MQ Connectivity

Eclipse Amlen can receive messages that are published to Eclipse Amlen topics, or sent to Eclipse Amlen queues and can forward the messages to IBM® MQ queues or topics. Eclipse Amlen can also receive messages that are published to IBM MQ topics, or sent to IBM MQ queues, and can forward the messages to Eclipse Amlen topics or queues.

Connecting Eclipse Amlen to IBM MQ

To connect Eclipse Amlen to IBM MQ, you must set up IBM MQ, start the MQ Connectivity process on Eclipse Amlen, and create queue manager connections and destination mapping rules:
  1. Define a server connection channel on IBM MQ. Eclipse Amlen uses this server connection channel to connect to the IBM MQ queue manager.
    You can use an existing server connection channel, but a new channel provides the following benefits:
    • Active Eclipse Amlen channels can be easily identified on the IBM MQ queue manager.
    • The connection between Eclipse Amlen and IBM MQ can be explicitly secured.
    • CHLAUTH record can be created to map the user ID of the Eclipse Amlen requests to an appropriate user ID on the IBM MQ system.
    For more information about configuring IBM MQ server connection channels, see Configuring the IBM MQ server connection channel.
  2. Start the MQ Connectivity process on Eclipse Amlen.

    For more information about starting the MQ Connectivity process, see Starting, restarting, stopping, and viewing the status of MQ Connectivity.

  3. Define a queue manager connection on the Eclipse Amlen system.

    A queue manager connection specifies the connection details for a IBM MQ queue manager. Queue manager connections are then used in destination mapping rules to specify the location of the IBM MQ topic or queue.

    You must define a connection for each queue manager that Eclipse Amlen connects to.

    For more information about configuring queue manager connections, see Configuring queue manager connections.

  4. Define destination mapping rules on the Eclipse Amlen system.

    A destination mapping rule makes connections between queues, topics, and topic subtrees on Eclipse Amlen and IBM MQ. The rules can flow messages from Eclipse Amlen to IBM MQ, or from IBM MQ to Eclipse Amlen.

    You can apply multiple destination mapping rules to a queue manager connection. Each rule starts an instance of the server connection channel on the queue manager that is defined in the queue manager connection. You can apply destination mapping rules to more than one queue manager to distribute messages between the queue managers.

    For more information about configuring destination mapping rules, see Configuring destination mapping rules.

Note: When Eclipse Amlen connects to IBM MQ queue managers, it automatically creates queues on the queue manager. These queues have names that start with SYSTEM.IMA. Do not edit or delete these queues.

Eclipse Amlen can be used with all supported IBM MQ platforms from IBM MQ version 7.1 onwards. At IBM MQ version 8.0, ensure that Fix Pack 1 is applied, and that your environment is at version, or higher.