MQ Connectivity and high availability

When Eclipse Amlen is set up in a highly available configuration, no further setup is required for connections to IBM® MQ. When IBM MQ is set up in a highly available configuration with multi-instance queue managers, you must configure Eclipse Amlen to use the queue managers.

IBM MQ multi-instance queue managers are highly available queue managers. If one instance of a multi-instance queue manager fails, another instance of the same queue manager starts automatically on another host. For more information about multi-instance queue managers, see Multi-instance queue managers in the IBM MQ documentation.

You can use Eclipse Amlen with multi-instance queue managers. When you create a queue manager connection, you can specify a comma-separated list of connection names. Each connection name specifies a host of the multi-instance queue manager. When a queue manager switches host, Eclipse Amlen re-creates the connection to the queue manager on the new host.

For more information about how to configure queue manager connections, see Configuring queue manager connections.