MQ Connectivity message persistence

When MQTT or JMS messages are sent to IBM® MQ, or IBM MQ messages are sent to MQTT or JMS applications, Eclipse Amlen maps the message persistence according to a set of rules.

MQTT and IBM MQ message delivery

When MQTT messages are sent to IBM MQ, or IBM MQ messages are sent to MQTT applications, the messages are sent by using the following mapping:
  • MQTT QoS 0 messages are nonpersistent IBM MQ messages.

    However, in IBM MQ, nonpersistent messages are transferred between queue managers exactly once. If you want the message to be transferred at most once, you must set the NPMSPEED attribute of the message channel to FAST. For more information about MQTT message persistence in IBM MQ, see Message persistence in MQTT clients in the IBM MQ documentation.

  • MQTT QoS 1 messages are persistent IBM MQ messages.
  • MQTT QoS 2 messages are persistent IBM MQ messages.

JMS and IBM MQ message delivery

When JMS messages are sent to IBM MQ, or IBM MQ messages are sent to JMS applications, the messages are sent by using the following mapping:
  • JMS nonpersistent messages are nonpersistent IBM MQ messages.
  • JMS persistent messages are persistent IBM MQ messages.

MQTT and JMS message delivery

For information about MQTT and JMS message delivery, see Message delivery.