Configuring Eclipse Amlen resource adapter for scaling within a single WebSphere Application Server

In this configuration, the number of concurrent consumers are increased within a single WebSphere® Application Server. Scaling the number of consumers enables messages to be processed concurrently. If messages are processed concurrently, then message order cannot be preserved.

Complete the following steps to configure the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter to support scaling within a single WebSphere Application Server. This configuration is useful if your MDB's onMessage() call is slow.

  1. Download and install the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter.

    The Eclipse Amlen resource adapter is available to download as part of the JMS client. The JMS client can be obtained from the Downloads page in the IBM® Messaging Community at developerWorks®. Click Download IBM Watson IoT Platform - Message Gateway JMS Client Pack.

    After the download is complete, you can install the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter on your WebSphere Application Server. For more information about installing, see Installing Eclipse Amlen resource adapter on WebSphere Application Server.

  2. Configure an endpoint and setup connection and messaging policies.

    You must configure an endpoint that supports the JMS protocol for your WebSphere Application Server to connect to. For more information about configuring an endpoint, see Configuring message hubs.

    • Create the following policies for inbound communications when using topics:

      • A connection policy to allow your WebSphere Application Server to connect to the configured endpoint over JMS. For more information, see Authorizing client connections.
      • A topic messaging policy to allow your WebSphere Application Server to subscribe to a topic over JMS. For more information, see Topic messaging policy.

    • Create the following policies for inbound communications when using queues:

      • A connection policy to allow your WebSphere Application Server to connect to the configured endpoint over JMS. For more information, see Authorizing client connections.
      • A queue messaging policy to allow your WebSphere Application Server to receive messages over JMS. For more information, see Queue messaging policy.

  3. Configure Eclipse Amlen resource adapter properties for one or more of the following options:
  4. Deploy and start your MDB if applicable.