Updating the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter on WebSphere Application Server

Update the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter on WebSphere® Application Server when you upgrade Eclipse Amlen from a previous version.

The Eclipse Amlen resource adapter is available as part of the JMS client download. The JMS client can be obtained from the Eclipse Amlen page on developerWorks®.
Complete the following steps to update the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter on WebSphere Application Server.
  1. Save all configuration changes.
  2. Back up your configuration settings by using the backupConfig command.
    For more information about how to use the backupConfig command, see backupConfig command in the WebSphere Application Server documentation.
  3. Synchronize any of the nodes to update.
  4. Ensure that the node agents are running if they are associated with the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter.
  5. Stop any servers that contain the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter RAR file.
    You must stop all the servers in the node or cluster with which the RAR file is associated. Refer to the WebSphere Application Server documentation for information about how to stop or start an application server.
  6. From the WebSphere Application Server administrative console, select Resources > Resource Adapters > Resource Adapters, and select the appropriate scope for your configuration.
    Scope specifies the level at which the resource definition is visible.
  7. Select the check box next to IBM Watson IoT Platform - Message Gateway Resource Adapter for each node in the scope, and click Update RAR.
  8. Specify the path to the new ima.jmsra.rar file, and click Next. You can either update the ima.jmsra.rar file from the local file system or specify an existing copy of the new ima.jmsra.rar file on any of the nodes in your cell context.
  9. Review the information that is provided for the RAR file. The following information is provided for the RAR file:
    • Name
    • Current® RAR version
    • New RAR version
    • Scope
    • Any existing copies of the resource adapter. Resource adapters marked with an asterisk (*) are copies of the resource adapter and must also be updated at the same time.

    Click Next when you are finished.

  10. Optional: Edit any properties that were added by the new version of the resource adapter, then click Next.
  11. Review the summary panel, and click Finish when you are satisfied with the configuration settings.
  12. Back up your configuration settings by using the backupConfig command.
  13. Restart the servers that contain the updated RAR file.