Transport Layer Security for the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter

To connect to Eclipse Amlen endpoints that are configured to accept secure connections, you must configure the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter to use secure connections.

You can configure the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter (Eclipse Amlen RA) to use Transport Layer Security (TLS). The TLS protocol provides transport level security, which includes authenticity and data encryption. By configuring the Eclipse Amlen RA to use TLS, you ensure that it can communicate with Eclipse Amlen endpoints that accept only secure connections.

Your resource adapter security configuration depends upon which Eclipse Amlen ports you want to permit WebSphere® Application Server applications to access. If those ports do not require TLS, then no security configuration is required. If the ports do require TLS, then security configuration is required. If security configuration is required, then you can either use default security configuration or you can use customized (non-default) security configuration.