Configuring Transport Layer Security for Eclipse Amlen resource adapter by using default security configuration

Configure a secure connection between Eclipse Amlen and the Eclipse Amlen RA running on WebSphere® Application Server.

On Eclipse Amlen, ensure that you configure your security profile and policies on the endpoint that you are using to accept WebSphere Application Server connections. The security profile defines the Transport Layer Security (TLS) that is applied to an endpoint.

Ensure that you know which port or ports on the Eclipse Amlen server can be accessed from the WebSphere Application Server.

Complete these steps to configure a secure connection between Eclipse Amlen and the Eclipse Amlen RA running on WebSphere Application Server.
  1. Update the WebSphere Application Server default truststore for TLS connections with Eclipse Amlen. If the Eclipse Amlen security profile specifies client certificate authentication, you must also update the WebSphere Application Server default keystore.

    For more information about updating the truststore, see Updating the WebSphere Application Server default truststore for TLS connections with Eclipse Amlen.

    For more information about updating the keystore, see Updating the WebSphere Application Server default keystore for client certificate authentication.

    For more information about client certificate authentication, see Client certificate authentication.

  2. Choose to configure security for inbound connections, or outbound connections, or both.
    • For inbound connections, set the value of protocol in the activation specification. The activation specification is associated with one or more message-driven beans (MDBs) and provides the configuration necessary for the MDBs to receive messages.

      1. Click Resources > Resource adapters > J2C activation specifications > activation_specification_name.
      2. Click the J2C activation specification custom properties link.
      3. Set the protocol configuration value to tcps.
    • For outbound connections, set the value of protocol in the appropriate connection factory configuration. The WebSphere Application Server uses connection factories to create connections to Eclipse Amlen.

      1. Click Resources > Resource adapters > J2C connection factories > connection_factory_name.
      2. Click the Custom properties link.
      3. Set the protocol configuration value to tcps.