Delete configuration objects


Deletes a configuration object.


Use the Eclipse Amlen REST API DELETE method with the following Eclipse Amlen configuration URI:


  • ObjectType


    Specifies the type of configuration object.

    You can delete the following object types:
    • CertificateProfile
    • ClientCertificate
    • ConfigurationPolicy
    • ConnectionPolicy
    • DestinationMappingRule
    • EndPoint
    • LTPAProfile
    • MessageHub
    • MQTTClient
    • OAuthProfile
    • Plugin
    • Queue. For more information about deleting a message queue, see Deleting a queue by using a REST Administration API.
    • QueueManagerConnection
    • QueuePolicy
    • SecurityProfile
    • SubscriptionPolicy
    • TopicPolicy
    • TrustedCertificate
  • ObjectName


    Specifies the type of configuration object.

Usage NotesĀ®

  • You can use the Eclipse Amlen REST API DELETE method to delete configuration objects, including endpoints, connection policies, messaging policies, and message hubs. To delete a message hub, you must first delete the endpoints that are associated with the message hub. You can delete the connection policies and messaging policies, or keep them to use with another endpoint.


Deletes a message hub called "MyHub" by using cURL:
curl -X DELETE
Note: All endpoints that are associated with a message hub must be deleted before you can delete the message hub. In this delete example, the following message is returned because an endpoint still exists on the message hub:

      "Message":"MessageHub is in use. It still contains at least one endpoint."