REST API Reference

The REST API REST Administrative API reference section provides reference topics for the REST APIs that are available for Eclipse Amlen.

Running a REST API

Eclipse Amlen has a REST (REpresentational State Transfer) interface and provides REST APIs which you can use to administer and monitor your system.

To run a REST API, call a method on a REST resource and pass parameters or a request in JSON format. The methods that the REST APIs use are POST, GET, and DELETE:
  • The POST method creates or updates a configuration object.
  • The GET method retrieves data about a configuration object.
  • The DELETE method deletes a configuration object.

You can write scripts or use the Linux™ program cURL to run the REST APIs. Combine a REST URI with the REST method to be used and the data to be passed to create the REST request.


The following sets of REST APIs are supported in Eclipse Amlen: