Show configuration details of nameable configuration objects


View configuration details of configuration objects for which the name can be configured.


Use the Eclipse Amlen REST API GET method with the following Eclipse Amlen configuration URI:


  • ObjectType


    Specifies the type of configuration object.

    You can display the configuration details of the following object types:
    • CertificateProfile
    • ClientCertificate
    • ClientSet
    • ConfigurationPolicy
    • ConnectionPolicy
    • DestinationMappingRule
    • EndPoint
    • LTPAProfile
    • MessageHub
    • MQTTClient
    • OAuthProfile
    • Plugin
    • Protocol
    • Queue
    • QueueManagerConnection
    • QueuePolicy
    • SecurityProfile
    • SubscriptionPolicy
    • TopicPolicy
    • TrustedCertificate
  • ObjectName


    Specifies the name of the configuration object.

    If ObjectName is not specified, the configuration details of all instances of the object type are returned.

Note: If a value has not been specified for a filter property, you might see that filter property returned with empty string values. The empty string value means that the particular property is not used to filter messages.


Shows configuration details of all endpoints by using cURL:

             curl -X GET  \
                 -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \

Shows configuration details of an endpoint called "MyEndpoint" by using cURL:

             curl -X GET  \
                 -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \

Example successful response to the GET method that was used to show configuration details of an endpoint called "MyEndpoint" :

       "Version": "v1",
        "EndPoint": {
          "MyEndpoint": {
            "Port": 16102,
            "Enabled": false,
            "Protocol": "All",
            "Interface": "All",
            "ConnectionPolicies": "MyConnectionPolicy",
            "TopicPolicies": "MyTopicPolicy",
            "MaxMessageSize": "4096KB",
            "MessageHub": "MyHub",
            "Description": "Unsecured endpoint for demonstration use only."
            "InterfaceName": "",
            "SecurityProfile": "",
            "MaxSendSize": 16384,
            "BatchMessages": true