Upgrading the Eclipse Amlen RPM
System administrators can upgrade the Eclipse Amlen server or Web UI running as RPMs on the host OS.
Extract the fix image that you require by issuing the following commands:
mkdir imaserver imawebui tar xzf EclipseAmlenServer*.tz -C imaserver tar xzf EclipseAmlenWebUI*.tz -C imawebui
Note: The imaserver and imawebui directories contain the server and Web UI RPM files. -
Update the Eclipse Amlen RPMs.
- Update the Eclipse Amlen server RPM by issuing one of the following pairs of commands:
orcd imaserver rpm -Uvh EclipseAmlenServer*.rpm
cd imaserver yum --nogpgcheck install EclipseAmlenServer*.rpm
- Update the Eclipse Amlen Web UI RPM by issuing one of the following pairs of commands:
orcd imawebui rpm -Uvh EclipseAmlenWebUI*.rpm
cd imawebui yum --nogpgcheck install EclipseAmlenWebUI*.rpm
- Update the Eclipse Amlen server RPM by issuing one of the following pairs of commands:
Restart the Eclipse Amlen server and Web UI. The commands to update the RPMs cause the server and Web UI to stop after the RPM installation is complete.
- Restart the Eclipse Amlen server by issuing the following command:
systemctl start imaserver
- Restart the Eclipse Amlen Web UI by issuing the following command:
systemctl start imawebui
- Restart the Eclipse Amlen server by issuing the following command: