System administrators can upgrade the Eclipse Amlen server or Web UI running in a Docker container.
Data that must persist for Eclipse Amlen in the /var/messagesight directory must be volume mapped to a directory outside the container.
When you are updating the Eclipse Amlen server or Web UI software that is running in a Docker container, it is best practice to update the container. The process of updating the container is the same as the process for building a new container, with the exception that you must remove the existing container.
Prepare the Eclipse Amlen .tz files for installation.
Build the Eclipse Amlen Docker image.
Stop the existing containers.
Remove the containers.
Remove the Docker images.
Start the containers.
Use the same Docker run command that you used previously before applying the update.
- For example, to start the Eclipse Amlen server container, use a command similar to the following command:
docker run --cap-add SYS_PTRACE --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --cap-add NET_ADMIN
--security-opt apparmor:unconfined --net=host -P -it --name=IMA --env-file=imaserver-docker.env
-m 84G -v /mnt/messagesight:/var/messagesight -v /mnt/tmp:/var/tmp -d imaserver:2.0
- To start the Eclipse Amlen Web UI container, use a command similar to the following command:
docker run --cap-add SYS_PTRACE --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --cap-add NET_ADMIN
--security-opt apparmor:unconfined --net=host -P -it --name=IMAW --env-file=imaserver-docker.env
-m 4G -v /mnt/messagesight:/var/messagesight -v /mnt/tmp:/var/tmp -d imaserver:2.0