Rolling back the Eclipse Amlen RPM

If, after an upgrade of the software level of the Eclipse Amlen RPMs, a rollback to a prior level is required, system administrators can perform the rollback operation.

  1. Extract the fix image that you require by issuing the following commands:
    mkdir imaserver imawebui
    tar xzf EclipseAmlenServer*.tz -C imaserver
    tar xzf EclipseAmlenWebUI*.tz -C imawebui
    Note: The imaserver and imawebui directories contain the server and Web UI RPM files.
  2. Roll back the Eclipse Amlen RPM.
    • Roll back the Eclipse Amlen server RPM by issuing the following commands:
      cd imaserver
      rpm -Uvh --force EclipseAmlenServer*.rpm
    • Roll back the Eclipse Amlen Web UI RPM by issuing the following commands:
      cd imawebui
      rpm -Uvh --force EclipseAmlenWebUI*.rpm