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CHESS 1.1.1 has been released! It is a bug-fix version of release 1.1.0.

The key features of the version 1.1.0 are:

See links below to download a full Eclipse CHESS distribution and the model examples.
Java 8 JRE/JDK is mandatory for CHESS.
If you want to install the CHESS plugins by using the Eclipse update site feature, check the Getting Started page
For release details, please check the release plan.

CHESS Eclipse full distribution:

  • CHESS-1.1.1: Windows 64 bit - Linux 64 bit - MacOS 64 bit

  • Previous versions:

  • CHESS-1.0.0: Windows 64 bit - Linux 64 bit - MacOS 64 bit

  • CHESS-0.1.0: Windows 64 bit - Linux 64 bit

  • CHESS model examples

  • Producer-Consumer (example about schedulability analysis)
  • IndustrialDrive (example about schedulability and E2E response time analyses)
  • Wheel Braking System (example about contract-based design)
  • Sense Spacecraft Rate (example about contract-based design, model checking and fault tree analysis)
  • Train Gate Controller (example about model checking with timed model)
  • Hybrid Braking System (example about safety analysis with CHESS-FLA and CHESS-SBA)