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Feedback Page You have following possibilities in order to get support or give feedback: Join the chat at https://gitter.im/eclipse/ditto for questions start a GitHub discussion for questions and general discussions As your question on StackOverflow create a GitHub issue for found bugs / feature requests
Glossary Page Common terms IoT Internet of Things IIoT Industrial Internet of Things - also known as ‘Industry 4.0’ CQRS Command-Query Responsibility Segregation. A pattern Ditto applies in order to handle commands (ModifyCommands in Ditto) and queries (QueryCommands in Ditto) differently, e.g. by reading queries from memory and persisting commands...
Building Ditto Page Building with Apache Maven In order to build Ditto with Maven, you’ll need: JDK 17 >= 17.0.2, Apache Maven >=3.8 installed, a running Docker daemon (at least version 18.06 CE). mvn clean install sh build-images.sh
Extending Ditto Page Create Extensions for Ditto Ditto offers the possibility to execute custom behaviour by utilizing Akka extensions. The places which can be extended by such custom behaviour are marked by extending the DittoExtensionPoint interface. Add a new implementation of an interface extending DittoExtensionPoint for changing its behaviour. The...
Running Ditto Page Start Ditto Resource requirements: in order to start Ditto locally (via Docker Compose), you’ll need at least: 2 CPU cores to be used by Docker 4 GB of RAM to be used by Docker if you decide to run Ditto in a local Kubernetes environment,...
Digital twins Page TL;DRDigital twins are a pattern for simplifying IoT solution development. The problem with the term digital twin is that there are many different understandings of what it means. Furthermore, the term was previously mostly used and coined by marketing. The term was/is missing a technical foundation of...
Hello world Page After starting Ditto, we have an HTTP and WebSocket API for your digital twins at our hands. Example Assume we want to create a digital twin for a car. The twin should hold static metadata and dynamic state data. The state data should change as often as...
Eclipse Ditto™ documentation overview Page What is it? Eclipse Ditto™ is a technology in the IoT implementing a software pattern called “digital twins”. A digital twin is a virtual, cloud based, representation of his real world counterpart (real world “Things”, e.g. devices like sensors, smart heating, connected...
Ditto Explorer User Interface Page ## Introduction There is a browser based user interface to explore things, policies and connections. The UI can be used to access the REST API of any Ditto instance. Several Ditto instances can be configured as "Environments" {% include image.html file="pages/ui/screenshot_introduction.png" alt="UI example screenshot" caption="Ditto Explorer UI" max-width=800 url="https://eclipse-ditto.github.io/ditto/index.html?primaryEnvironmentName=ditto_sandbox" %}...