Direct Known Subclasses:
DirectAccessor, EmbeddedAccessor, RelationshipAccessor, StructureAccessor, TransientAccessor

public abstract class MappingAccessor extends MetadataAccessor
INTERNAL: An abstract mapping accessor. Holds common metadata for all mappings. Key notes: - any metadata mapped from XML to this class must be compared in the equals method. - any metadata mapped from XML to this class must be handled in the merge method. (merging is done at the accessor/mapping level) - any metadata mapped from XML to this class must be initialized in the initXMLObject method. - methods should be preserved in alphabetical order.
EclipseLink 1.0
  • Field Details


      protected static final String KEY_DOT_NOTATION
      Dot notation key prefix.

      protected static final String VALUE_DOT_NOTATION
      Dot notation value prefix.
    • m_field

      protected ColumnMetadata m_field
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • addConvert

      protected void addConvert(ConvertMetadata convert)
      INTERNAL: Subclasses that support converts need to override this method otherwise an exception will be thrown from those accessors that do not support them when a user has defined them on that accessor.
    • addConvertMetadata

      protected void addConvertMetadata(ConvertMetadata convert)
      INTERNAL: Add a JPA convert annotation to the converts list. If it is a map key convert, pass it on to the map key converts list.
    • addFieldNameTranslation

      protected void addFieldNameTranslation(EmbeddableMapping embeddableMapping, String overrideName, DatabaseField overrideField, MappingAccessor aggregatesAccessor)
      INTERNAL: Process an attribute override for either an embedded object mapping, or an element collection mapping containing embeddable objects.
    • addMapKeyConvert

      protected void addMapKeyConvert(ConvertMetadata convert)
      INTERNAL: Subclasses that support converts need to override this method otherwise an exception will be thrown from those accessors that do not support them when a user has defined them on that accessor.
    • derivesId

      public boolean derivesId()
      INTERNAL: Return true is this accessor is a derived id accessor.
      See Also:
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object objectToCompare)
      INTERNAL: For merging and overriding to work properly, all ORMetadata must be able to compare themselves for metadata equality.
      equals in class MetadataAccessor
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class MetadataAccessor
    • getAnnotation

      protected MetadataAnnotation getAnnotation(String annotation)
      INTERNAL: Return the annotation if it exists.
      Specified by:
      getAnnotation in class MetadataAccessor
    • getAssociationOverrides

      protected Map<String,AssociationOverrideMetadata> getAssociationOverrides(List<AssociationOverrideMetadata> associationOverrides)
      INTERNAL: Process the list of association overrides into a map, merging and overriding any association overrides where necessary with descriptor level association overrides.
    • getAttributeName

      public String getAttributeName()
      INTERNAL: Return the attribute name for this accessor. This is typically the attribute name on the accessible object (i.e., field or property name), however, if access-methods have been specified, use the name attribute that was specified in XML. (e.g. basic name="sin") and not the property name of the get method from the access-methods specification.
      getAttributeName in class MetadataAccessor
    • getAttributeOverride

      protected AttributeOverrideMetadata getAttributeOverride(String loggingCtx)
      INTERNAL: Return the attribute override for this accessor.
    • getAttributeOverrides

      protected Map<String,AttributeOverrideMetadata> getAttributeOverrides(List<AttributeOverrideMetadata> attributeOverrides)
      INTERNAL: Process the list of attribute overrides into a map, merging and overriding any attribute overrides where necessary with descriptor level attribute overrides.
    • getAttributeType

      public String getAttributeType()
      INTERNAL: Used for OX mapping. Those accessors that do not require a separate attribute-type specification for VIRTUAL accessors should override this method. For example, one-to-one and many-to-one will its target-entity. variable-one-to-one will use its target-interface.
    • getClassAccessor

      public ClassAccessor getClassAccessor()
      INTERNAL: Returns the class accessor on which this mapping was defined.
    • getColumn

      protected ColumnMetadata getColumn(String loggingCtx)
      INTERNAL: Subclasses should override this method to return the appropriate column for their mapping.
      See Also:
    • getConverts

      protected List<ConvertMetadata> getConverts(List<ConvertMetadata> potentialConverts)
      INTERNAL: Given the potential converts return them for processing unless there are overrides available from the descriptor.
    • getDatabaseField

      protected DatabaseField getDatabaseField(DatabaseTable defaultTable, String loggingCtx)
      INTERNAL: Process column metadata details into a database field. This will set correct metadata and log defaulting messages to the user. It also looks for an attribute override. This method will call getColumn() which assumes the subclasses will return the appropriate ColumnMetadata to process based on the context provided.
      See Also:
    • getDefaultFetchType

      protected String getDefaultFetchType()
    • getDefaultTableForEntityMapKey

      protected DatabaseTable getDefaultTableForEntityMapKey()
      INTERNAL: Return the default table to hold the foreign key of a MapKey when and Entity is used as the MapKey
    • getEnumerated

      public EnumeratedMetadata getEnumerated(boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Return the enumerated metadata for this accessor.
      See Also:
    • getField

      public ColumnMetadata getField()
      INTERNAL: Used for OX mapping.
    • getForeignKey

      protected ForeignKeyMetadata getForeignKey(ForeignKeyMetadata potentialForeignKey, MetadataDescriptor descriptor)
      INTERNAL: Return the foreign key to use with this mapping accessor. This method will look for association overrides and use the foreign key from it instead (do as the association override says).
    • getGetMethodName

      public String getGetMethodName()
      INTERNAL: Returns the get method name of a method accessor. Note, this method should not be called when processing field access.
    • getJoinColumns

      protected List<JoinColumnMetadata> getJoinColumns(List<JoinColumnMetadata> potentialJoinColumns, MetadataDescriptor descriptor)
      INTERNAL: Return the join columns to use with this mapping accessor. This method will look for association overrides and use those instead if some are available. This method will validate the join columns and default any where necessary.
    • getJoinColumnsAndValidate

      protected List<JoinColumnMetadata> getJoinColumnsAndValidate(List<JoinColumnMetadata> joinColumns, MetadataDescriptor referenceDescriptor)
      INTERNAL: This method will validate the join columns and default any where necessary.
    • getLob

      public LobMetadata getLob(boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Return the lob metadata for this accessor.
      See Also:
    • getMapping

      public DatabaseMapping getMapping()
      INTERNAL: Return the mapping that this accessor is associated to.
    • getOwningDescriptor

      public MetadataDescriptor getOwningDescriptor()
      INTERNAL: Return the owning descriptor of this accessor.
    • getOwningDescriptors

      public List<MetadataDescriptor> getOwningDescriptors()
      INTERNAL: Return the owning descriptors of this accessor. In most cases this is a single descriptor. Multiples can only exist when dealing with accessors for an embeddable that is shared.
    • getMapKey

      public MapKeyMetadata getMapKey()
      INTERNAL: Return the map key if this mapping accessor employs one. Those accessors that support it should override this method.
      See Also:
    • getMapKeyConverts

      protected List<ConvertMetadata> getMapKeyConverts(List<ConvertMetadata> potentialMapKeyConverts)
      INTERNAL: Given the potential converts return them for processing unless there are overrides available from the descriptor.
    • getMapKeyReferenceClass

      public MetadataClass getMapKeyReferenceClass()
      INTERNAL: Return the map key reference class for this accessor if applicable. It will try to extract a reference class from a generic specification. Parameterized generic keys on a MappedSuperclass will return void.class. If no generics are used, then it will return void.class. This avoids NPE's when processing JPA converters that can default (Enumerated and Temporal) based on the reference class.
    • getMapKeyReferenceClassName

      public String getMapKeyReferenceClassName()
      INTERNAL: Return the map key reference class name
    • getMapKeyReferenceClassWithGenerics

      public MetadataClass getMapKeyReferenceClassWithGenerics()
      INTERNAL: Return the map key reference class for this accessor if applicable. It will try to extract a reference class from a generic specification. If no generics are used, then it will return void.class. This avoids NPE's when processing JPA converters that can default (Enumerated and Temporal) based on the reference class. Future: this method is where we would provide a more explicit reference class to support an auto-apply jpa converter. Per the spec auto-apply converters are applied against basics only.
    • getRawClass

      public MetadataClass getRawClass()
      INTERNAL: Return the raw class for this accessor. E.g. For an accessor with a type of java.util.Collection<Employee>, this method will return java.util.Collection. To check for the attribute type we must go through the method calls since some accessors define the attribute type through a target entity specification. Do not access the m_attributeType variable directly in this method.
    • getRawClassWithGenerics

      public MetadataClass getRawClassWithGenerics()
      INTERNAL: Return the raw class with any generic specifications for this accessor. E.g. For an accessor with a type of java.util.Collection<Employee>, this method will return java.util.CollectionEmployee. To check for the attribute type we must go through the method calls since some accessors define the attribute type through a target entity specification. Do not access the m_attributeType variable directly in this method.
    • getReferenceAccessors

      public Collection<MappingAccessor> getReferenceAccessors()
      INTERNAL: Return the mapping accessors associated with the reference descriptor.
    • getReferenceClass

      public MetadataClass getReferenceClass()
      INTERNAL: Return the reference class for this accessor. By default the reference class is the raw class. Some accessors may need to override this method to drill down further. That is, try to extract a reference class from generics.
    • getReferenceClassWithGenerics

      public MetadataClass getReferenceClassWithGenerics()
      INTERNAL: Return the reference class for this accessor. By default the reference class is the raw class. Some accessors may need to override this method to drill down further. That is, try to extract a reference class from generics.
    • getReferenceClassFromGeneric

      public MetadataClass getReferenceClassFromGeneric()
      INTERNAL: Attempts to return a reference class from a generic specification. Note, this method may return null.
    • getReferenceClassName

      public String getReferenceClassName()
      INTERNAL: Return the reference class name for this accessor.
    • getReferenceDatabaseTable

      protected DatabaseTable getReferenceDatabaseTable()
      INTERNAL: Return the reference descriptors table. By default it is the primary key table off the reference descriptor. Subclasses that care to return a different class should override this method.
      See Also:
    • getReferenceDescriptor

      public MetadataDescriptor getReferenceDescriptor()
      INTERNAL: Return the reference metadata descriptor for this accessor.
    • getSetMethodName

      public String getSetMethodName()
      INTERNAL: Returns the set method name of a method accessor. Note, this method should not be called when processing field access.
    • getTemporal

      public TemporalMetadata getTemporal(boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Return the temporal metadata for this accessor.
      See Also:
    • setTemporal

      protected void setTemporal(TemporalMetadata metadata, boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Set the temporal metadata for this accessor.
      See Also:
    • hasAttributeOverride

      protected boolean hasAttributeOverride(String loggingCtx)
      INTERNAL: Return true if we have an attribute override for this accessor.
    • hasAttributeType

      public boolean hasAttributeType()
      INTERNAL: Those accessors that do not require a separate attribute-type specification for VIRTUAL accessors should override this method. For example, one-to-one and many-to-one will its target-entity. variable-one-to-one will use its target-interface.
    • hasEnumerated

      protected boolean hasEnumerated(boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor has temporal metadata.
      See Also:
    • hasLob

      protected boolean hasLob(boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor has lob metadata.
      See Also:
    • hasMapKey

      public boolean hasMapKey()
      INTERNAL: Method should be overridden by those accessors that accept and use a map key.
      See Also:
    • hasReturnInsert

      protected boolean hasReturnInsert()
      INTERNAL: Method to check if this accessor has a ReturnInsert annotation.
    • hasReturnUpdate

      protected boolean hasReturnUpdate()
      INTERNAL: Method to check if this accessor has a ReturnUpdate annotation.
    • hasTemporal

      public boolean hasTemporal(boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor has temporal metadata.
      See Also:
    • initXMLMappingAccessor

      public void initXMLMappingAccessor(ClassAccessor classAccessor)
      INTERNAL: Init an xml mapping accessor with its necessary components.
    • initXMLObject

      public void initXMLObject(MetadataAccessibleObject accessibleObject, XMLEntityMappings entityMappings)
      initXMLObject in class MetadataAccessor
    • isAnnotationPresent

      public boolean isAnnotationPresent(String annotation)
      INTERNAL: Indicates whether the specified annotation is present on the annotated element for this accessor. Method checks against the metadata complete flag.
      Specified by:
      isAnnotationPresent in class MetadataAccessor
    • isBasic

      public boolean isBasic()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor represents a basic mapping.
    • isBasicCollection

      public boolean isBasicCollection()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor represents a basic collection mapping.
    • isBasicMap

      public boolean isBasicMap()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor represents a basic map mapping.
    • isDerivedIdClass

      public boolean isDerivedIdClass()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor is a derived id class accessor.
    • isDirectCollection

      public boolean isDirectCollection()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor represents a direct collection mapping, which include basic collection, basic map and element collection accessors.
    • isDirectEmbeddableCollection

      public boolean isDirectEmbeddableCollection()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor represents an element collection that contains embeddable objects.
    • isCollectionAccessor

      public boolean isCollectionAccessor()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor represents a collection accessor.
    • isEmbedded

      public boolean isEmbedded()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor represents an aggregate mapping.
    • isEmbeddedId

      public boolean isEmbeddedId()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor represents an aggregate id mapping.
    • isEnumerated

      protected boolean isEnumerated(MetadataClass referenceClass, boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Return true if this represents an enum type mapping. Will return true if the accessor's reference class is an enum or if enumerated metadata exists.
    • isId

      public boolean isId()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor is part of the id.
    • isLob

      protected boolean isLob(MetadataClass referenceClass, boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor represents a BLOB/CLOB mapping.
    • isManyToMany

      public boolean isManyToMany()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor represents a m-m relationship.
    • isManyToOne

      public boolean isManyToOne()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor represents a m-1 relationship.
    • isMapAccessor

      public boolean isMapAccessor()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor uses a Map.
    • isMappedKeyMapAccessor

      public boolean isMappedKeyMapAccessor()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor is a mapped key map accessor. It is a map key accessor for two reasons, it's a map and it does not have a map key specified. NOTE: we can't check for a map key class since one may not have been explicitly specified. In this case, a generic value must be set and we check for one when adding accessors (and in turn set the map key class at that point)
    • isMultitenantId

      public boolean isMultitenantId()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor is a multitenant id mapping.
    • isOneToMany

      public boolean isOneToMany()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor represents a 1-m relationship.
    • isOneToOne

      public boolean isOneToOne()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor represents a 1-1 relationship.
    • isPrimitiveWrapperClass

      protected boolean isPrimitiveWrapperClass(MetadataClass cls)
      INTERNAL: Returns true is the given class is primitive wrapper type.
    • isTimeClass

      protected boolean isTimeClass(MetadataClass cls)
    • isProcessed

      public boolean isProcessed()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor has been processed. If there is a mapping set, we have processed this accessor.
      Specified by:
      isProcessed in class MetadataAccessor
    • isRelationship

      public boolean isRelationship()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor method represents a relationship.
    • isSerialized

      public boolean isSerialized(MetadataClass referenceClass, boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor represents a serialized mapping.
    • isTemporal

      protected boolean isTemporal(MetadataClass referenceClass, boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Return true if this represents a temporal type mapping.
    • isUUID

      protected boolean isUUID(MetadataClass referenceClass, boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Return true if this represents a UUID type mapping.
    • isJson

      protected boolean isJson(MetadataClass referenceClass, boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Return true if this represents a JSON type mapping.
    • isTransient

      public boolean isTransient()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor represents a transient mapping.
    • isValidJsonType

      protected boolean isValidJsonType(MetadataClass cls)
      INTERNAL: Check whether given class is valid for JsonMapping.
      cls - class to validate
      Value of true if the given class is valid for JsonMapping or false otherwise
    • isValidSerializedType

      protected boolean isValidSerializedType(MetadataClass cls)
      INTERNAL: Returns true if the given class is valid for SerializedObjectMapping.
    • isVariableOneToOne

      public boolean isVariableOneToOne()
      INTERNAL: Return true if this accessor represents a variable one to one mapping.
    • processAssociationOverride

      protected void processAssociationOverride(AssociationOverrideMetadata associationOverride, EmbeddableMapping embeddableMapping, MetadataDescriptor owningDescriptor)
      INTERNAL: Process an association override for either an embedded object mapping, or a map mapping (element-collection, 1-M and M-M) containing an embeddable object as the value or key. This method should be implemented in those accessors that support association overrides. An exception is thrown otherwise the association is called against an unsupported accessor/relationship.
    • processAssociationOverrides

      protected void processAssociationOverrides(List<AssociationOverrideMetadata> associationOverrides, EmbeddableMapping embeddableMapping, MetadataDescriptor embeddableDescriptor)
      INTERNAL: Process the association overrides for the given embeddable mapping which is either an embedded or element collection mapping. Association overrides are used to specify different keys to a shared mapping.
    • processAttributeOverrides

      protected void processAttributeOverrides(List<AttributeOverrideMetadata> attributeOverrides, AggregateObjectMapping aggregateObjectMapping, MetadataDescriptor embeddableDescriptor)
      INTERNAL: Process the attribute overrides for the given embedded mapping. Attribute overrides are used to apply the correct field name translations of direct fields. Note an embedded object mapping may be supported as the map key to an element-collection, 1-M and M-M mapping.
    • processContainerPolicyAndIndirection

      protected void processContainerPolicyAndIndirection(ContainerMapping mapping)
      INTERNAL: Process the map metadata if this is a valid map accessor. Will return the map key method name that should be use, null otherwise.
      See Also:
    • processConvert

      protected void processConvert(DatabaseMapping mapping, String converterName, MetadataClass referenceClass, boolean isForMapKey, boolean hasConverts)
      INTERNAL: Process a Convert annotation or convert element to apply to specified EclipseLink converter (Converter, TypeConverter, ObjectTypeConverter) to the given mapping.
    • processConverts

      protected void processConverts(List<ConvertMetadata> converts, DatabaseMapping mapping, MetadataClass referenceClass, boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Process the JPA defined convert(s)
    • processDirectMapKeyClass

      protected AbstractDirectMapping processDirectMapKeyClass(MappedKeyMapAccessor mappedKeyMapAccessor)
    • processEmbeddableMapKeyClass

      protected AggregateObjectMapping processEmbeddableMapKeyClass(MappedKeyMapAccessor mappedKeyMapAccessor)
    • processEntityMapKeyClass

      protected OneToOneMapping processEntityMapKeyClass(MappedKeyMapAccessor mappedKeyMapAccessor)
      INTERNAL: Process the map key to be an entity class.
    • processEnumerated

      protected void processEnumerated(EnumeratedMetadata enumerated, DatabaseMapping mapping, MetadataClass referenceClass, boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Process an Enumerated setting. The method may still be called if no Enumerated metadata has been specified but the accessor's reference class is a valid enumerated type.
    • processIndirection

      protected void processIndirection(ForeignReferenceMapping mapping)
      INTERNAL: Process the indirection (aka fetch type)
    • processJoinFetch

      protected void processJoinFetch(String joinFetch, ForeignReferenceMapping mapping)
      INTERNAL: Return the mapping join fetch type.
    • processLob

      protected void processLob(LobMetadata lob, DatabaseMapping mapping, MetadataClass referenceClass, boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Process a lob specification. The lob must be specified to process and create a lob type mapping.
    • processMapKeyClass

      protected void processMapKeyClass(ContainerMapping mapping, MappedKeyMapAccessor mappedKeyMapAccessor)
      INTERNAL: Process a map key class for the given map key map accessor.
    • processMappingConverter

      protected void processMappingConverter(DatabaseMapping mapping, String convertValue, List<ConvertMetadata> converts, MetadataClass referenceClass, MetadataClass referenceClassWithGenerics, boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Process a convert value which specifies the name of an EclipseLink converter to process with this accessor's mapping.
    • processMappingKeyConverter

      protected void processMappingKeyConverter(DatabaseMapping mapping, String convertValue, List<ConvertMetadata> converts, MetadataClass referenceClass, MetadataClass referenceClassWithGenerics)
      INTERNAL: Process a mapping key converter either from an EclipseLink convert specification or a JPA converter specification (map-key-convert, map-key-temporal, map-key-enumerated) to be applied to the given mapping.
    • processMappingValueConverter

      protected void processMappingValueConverter(DatabaseMapping mapping, String convertValue, List<ConvertMetadata> converts, MetadataClass referenceClass, MetadataClass referenceClassWithGenerics)
      INTERNAL: Process a convert value which specifies the name of an EclipseLink converter to process with this accessor's mapping.
    • processForeignKeyRelationship

      protected void processForeignKeyRelationship(ForeignReferenceMapping mapping, List<JoinColumnMetadata> joinColumns, ForeignKeyMetadata foreignKey, MetadataDescriptor referenceDescriptor, String defaultFKFieldName, DatabaseTable defaultFKTable)
      INTERNAL: Process the join columns for the owning side of a one to one mapping. The default pk and fk field names are used only with single primary key entities. The processor should never get as far as to use them with entities that have a composite primary key (validation exception will be thrown).
    • processProperties

      protected void processProperties(DatabaseMapping mapping)
      INTERNAL: Adds properties to the mapping.
    • processProperty

      protected void processProperty(DatabaseMapping mapping, PropertyMetadata property)
      INTERNAL: Adds properties to the mapping. They can only come from one place, therefore if we add the same one twice we know to throw an exception.
    • processReturnInsert

      protected void processReturnInsert()
      INTERNAL: Subclasses should call this method if they want the warning message or override the method if they want/support different behavior.
      See Also:
    • processReturnInsertAndUpdate

      protected void processReturnInsertAndUpdate()
      INTERNAL: Subclasses should call this method if they want the warning message.
    • processReturnUpdate

      protected void processReturnUpdate()
      INTERNAL: Subclasses should call this method if they want the warning message or override the method if they want/support different behavior.
      See Also:
    • processJson

      protected void processJson(DatabaseMapping mapping, MetadataClass referenceClass, boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Process JSON value attribute for classes that extend JsonValue interface. Set JsonTypeConverter on the mapping.
    • processSerialized

      protected void processSerialized(DatabaseMapping mapping, MetadataClass referenceClass, boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Process a potential serializable attribute. If the class implements the Serializable interface then set a SerializedObjectConverter on the mapping.
    • processSerialized

      protected void processSerialized(DatabaseMapping mapping, MetadataClass referenceClass, MetadataClass classification, boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Process a potential serializable attribute. If the class implements the Serializable interface then set a SerializedObjectConverter on the mapping.
    • processTemporal

      protected void processTemporal(TemporalMetadata temporal, DatabaseMapping mapping, MetadataClass referenceClass, boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Process a temporal type accessor.
    • processUUID

      protected void processUUID(DatabaseMapping mapping, MetadataClass referenceClass, boolean isForMapKey)
      INTERNAL: Process a UUID attribute.
    • setAccessorMethods

      protected void setAccessorMethods(DatabaseMapping mapping)
      INTERNAL: Set the getter and setter access methods for this accessor.
    • setAttributeType

      public void setAttributeType(String attributeType)
      INTERNAL: Used for OX mapping.
    • setClassAccessor

      public void setClassAccessor(ClassAccessor classAccessor)
      INTERNAL: Sets the class accessor for this mapping accessor.
    • setField

      public void setField(ColumnMetadata column)
      INTERNAL: Used for OX mapping.
    • setIndirectionPolicy

      protected void setIndirectionPolicy(ContainerMapping mapping, String mapKey, boolean usesIndirection)
      INTERNAL: Set the correct indirection policy on a collection mapping. Method assume that the reference class has been set on the mapping before calling this method.
    • setMapping

      protected void setMapping(DatabaseMapping mapping)
      INTERNAL: This will do three things: 1 - process any common level metadata for all mappings. 2 - add the mapping to the internal descriptor. 3 - store the actual database mapping associated with this accessor. Calling this method is a must for all mapping accessors since it will help to: 1 - determine if the accessor has been processed, and 2 - sub processing will may need access to the mapping to set its metadata.
    • setOverrideMapping

      protected void setOverrideMapping(DatabaseMapping mapping)
      INTERNAL: An override mapping is created when an association override is specified to a relationship accessor on an embeddable class. For any non-owning relationship accessor referring to this accessor will need its override mapping and not the original mapping from the embeddable so that it can populate the right metadata.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • updatePrimaryKeyField

      protected void updatePrimaryKeyField(MappingAccessor idAccessor, DatabaseField overrideField)
      INTERNAL: Update the primary key field on the owning descriptor the override field given.
    • usesIndirection

      protected boolean usesIndirection()
      See Also:
    • usesPropertyAccess

      public boolean usesPropertyAccess()
      INTERNAL: Returns true if this mapping or class uses property access. In an inheritance hierarchy, the subclasses inherit their access type from the parent (unless there is an explicit access setting).
    • usesVirtualAccess

      public boolean usesVirtualAccess()
      INTERNAL: Returns true if this mapping or class uses virtual access. In an inheritance hierarchy, the subclasses inherit their access type from the parent (unless there is an explicit access setting).
    • usesFieldAccess

      public boolean usesFieldAccess()
      INTERNAL: Returns true if this mapping or class uses property field. In an inheritance hierarchy, the subclasses inherit their access type from the parent (unless there is an explicit access setting).