Dataless channels

Besides channels that communicate data, it is also possible to use dataless channels. A channel that does not communicate any data, is declared with the void type. Dataless channels are also called void channels. When using dataless channels, the sender does not provide a value to send over the channel. Also, the receiver cannot use the received value (variable ?) since no data is communicated.

Dataless channels are used in the same situations as 'normal' channels, for instance when physical product flow is modeled. If products don’t have an identification number, and can not be distinguished based on color or some other property, all products are essentially equal. It is then sufficient to communicate that a product is being 'transferred'. No further data is needed. While it is possible to communicate dummy values, dataless channels provide a better solution in such cases.

Consider again the producer/consumer example from the previous lesson, with one producer and two consumers, but without identification numbers for the products:

event void provide;

automaton producer:
    edge provide!;

automaton consumer1:
    edge provide?;

automaton consumer2:
    edge provide?;

The producer still produces products and provides them to either the first or the second consumer.