Reducing console output

Console output is expensive. Not only because of the amount of memory the generated console output uses, but also because the console output itself needs to be generated, and displayed on the console. Reducing console output can significantly increase the performance of our tools.

Therefore, instead of clearing the console, it may be better to prevent that much output from being written to the console in the first place. If your model itself generates a lot of console output, consider letting it generate less output. Alternatively, if the tool you use generates a lot of console output, consider checking its options to see if you can disable certain console output.

All Eclipse ESCET applications have an Output mode option (General category). Changing the value of this option from Debug to Normal, or from Normal to Warning may significantly reduce the amount of output that is written to the console. Note however that this is mostly an all or nothing approach. It is often much better to use application specific settings, or change your model, to reduce the amount of output that is generated, as it allows for more control over what output is or isn’t generated.