
2024 Autumn Release of Eclipse MOSAIC

The autumn release of Eclipse MOSAIC is here! The committer team from Fraunhofer FOKUS and DCAITI is proud to present Eclipse MOSAIC 24.1 to the open source community. This release concentrates less on new features, but on improving documentation and tutorials.

AI-NET-ANTILLAS - Perception for Remote Operated Driving

After four years of research, the AI-NET-ANTILLAS project has concluded, and the final event took place in conjunction with the Berlin 6G Conference 2024. Collaborating with our partners, we integrated several key components: Cloud-based LIDAR processing, next generation networks, and artificial intelligence, to create a new service and application platform.

2024 Spring Release of Eclipse MOSAIC

The spring release of Eclipse MOSAIC has arrived! The committer team from Fraunhofer FOKUS and DCAITI is proud to present Eclipse MOSAIC 24.0 to the open source community. This new version comes with an updated routing library and improved simulation of cellular communication.

Simulated Testing of Traffic State Estimation using Eclipse MOSAIC

Daily commutes can quickly turn into stressful affairs when overcrowded roads become congested and what would be a 20 minute ride becomes an hour of staring at the license plate of your fellow comrade-in-traffic. Real-time Traffic State Estimation (TSE) aims to alleviate this strain by predicatively recognizing congested areas and offering alternative routing options. In a recent publication we established a framework for easy implementation and evaluation of novel TSE systems.

2023 Autumn Release of Eclipse MOSAIC

The autumn release of Eclipse MOSAIC has arrived! The committer team from Fraunhofer FOKUS and DCAITI is proud to present Eclipse MOSAIC 23.1 to the open source community. This new version brings the perception facilities in the Application simulator to a stable state and comes with improvements across several integrated MOSAIC models.

Meet the MOSAIC developers at EclipseCon

From October 16 to 19 we will be present at EclipseCon 2023 in Ludwidgsburg, Germany. Meet us at the Community Day, watch our talk, and connect with the developers behind Eclipse MOSAIC.

2023 Spring Release of Eclipse MOSAIC

The autumn release of Eclipse MOSAIC is here! The committer team from Fraunhofer FOKUS and DCAITI is proud to present Eclipse MOSAIC 23.0 to the open source community. This new version improves the recently introduced perception facilities in the Application simulator and brings better handling of the traffic simulation SUMO.

2022 Autumn Release of Eclipse MOSAIC

The autumn release of Eclipse MOSAIC is here! The committer team from Fraunhofer FOKUS and DCAITI is proud to present Eclipse MOSAIC 22.1 to the open source community. This new version extends the recently introduced perception facilities in the Application simulator and upgrades the ns-3 simulator coupling.

Introducing the BeST Scenario

We present a large-scale traffic scenario of Berlin for the Evaluation of Smart Mobility Applications. This scenario provides 24 hours of motorized private traffic, including almost 2,25 million individual trips. The Berlin SUMO Traffic (BeST) scenario is open-source and prepared to be compatible with Eclipse MOSAIC.

Virtual Testing of Touring Solutions for Vehicle Fleets

Courier-, Express- & Parcel-providers (CEP-Providers) play an evermore important role in the daily lives of many people. To guarantee timely deliveries and customer satisfaction, these providers rely on sophisticated algorithms to manage the disposition of their fleets. In the course of the eBaseCamp-project, Eclipse MOSAIC has been utilized and extended to model a delivery service leveraged by e-mobility and a Base Camp infrastructure.