
This plugin is used to plot trajectories (position, velocity, etc.) over time.

Loading Results

  • Click Select result folder to choose a result folder that contains files in the required format (see below) to be plotted.


Evaluating Results

  • Select an input folder that contains files in this format:

    • Relevant files need ending .csv

    • Columns can be separated by comma, semicolon or space

    • First two columns need frame and id* in header

  • Select table column to be plotted (up to three)

  • For each open tab the selected columns are plotted

    • first column selected is shown on the x-axis

    • second column selected is shown on the y-axis

    • third column selected is shown on the right y-axis


  • The track_id items can be selected individually

  • Selecting the lowest subfolders yields tabs for all contained tracks

  • Selections can be combined with Ctrl+select or Shift+select
