Building SCM

SCM is a simple CMake Project and requires a minimum version of 3.14.

From within your root directory create a build directory and change into it:

mkdir build && cd build

Call cmake and provide the dependencies via the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH

cmake ..
-G "Unix Makefiles"
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="deps/conan/direct_deploy/open-simulation-interface; \
                     deps/conan/direct_deploy/protobuf; \
                     deps/conan/direct_deploy/gtest; \
                     deps/conan/direct_deploy/stochastics; \
                     deps/conan/direct_deploy/units; \
                     deps/conan/direct_deploy/libiconv; \
                     deps/conan/direct_deploy/libxml2; \

or as a one-liner for easy copy & paste

cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DUSE_CCACHE=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/home/$USER/scm-install" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="deps/conan/direct_deploy/open-simulation-interface;deps/conan/direct_deploy/protobuf;deps/conan/direct_deploy/gtest;deps/conan/direct_deploy/stochastics;deps/conan/direct_deploy/units;deps/conan/direct_deploy/libiconv;deps/conan/direct_deploy/libxml2;deps/conan/direct_deploy/osiquerylibrary"


If you don’t have sphinx installed or simply don’t want to build the documentation, add the following options to your cmake call:


Otherwise you may need to install some additional modules:

pip3 install sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme sphinx-tabs breathe exhale sphinxcontrib-spelling myst-parser

Contrary, if you just want to build the documentation and not the whole project, call cmake with the following arguments:


Then simply call:

make install -j4

to build SCM and install it to the directory provided by the given CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. Adjust this installation directory to your needs.

The build generates the main output file AlgorithmScm.fmu.