
Recipes are relatively generic, built-in functionnalities for manipulating a compute graph in Aidge. Some are built with Aidge’s graph matching engine, do not hesitate to have a look at their source code to understand how they work and build similar functionnalities!

🚧 The list of recipes is still growing!

Fuse BatchNorm#

Fuse batch normalization with the preceding Conv or FC operator, if possible.

aidge_core.fuse_batchnorm(graph_view: aidge_core.aidge_core.GraphView) None#

Recipe to remove a flatten operator.


graph_view (aidge_core.GraphView) – Graph view on which we want to apply the recipe

void Aidge::fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView)#

Fuse :cpp:function:Aidge::BatchNorm with :cpp:function:Aidge::Conv or :cpp:function:Aidge::FC Nodes. Ref:


graphView – Graph view to use graph matching on, in order to apply transformations.

Constant folding#

Fold constant operators (like ONNX Simplifier).

void Aidge::constantFolding(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graph)#

Fuse Mul Add#

Fuse Mul followed by Add operators into a FC operator.

aidge_core.fuse_mul_add(graph_view: aidge_core.aidge_core.GraphView) None#

Recipe to Fuse MatMul and Add operators into an aidge_core.FC operator.


graph_view (aidge_core.GraphView) – Graph view on which we want to apply the recipe

void Aidge::fuseMulAdd(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView)#

Merge MatMul and :cpp:function:Aidge::Add Node into a :cpp:function:Aidge::FC Node.


graphView – Graph view to use graph matching on, in order to apply transformations.

Remove Dropout#

Remove Dropout operators.

size_t Aidge::removeDropout(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView)#

Remove Dropout Node.


graphView – Graph view to use graph matching on, in order to apply transfomrations.


size_t Number of identity nodes removed

Remove Flatten#

Remove Flatten operators.

aidge_core.remove_flatten(graph_view: aidge_core.aidge_core.GraphView) None#

Recipe to remove a flatten operator.


graph_view (aidge_core.GraphView) – Graph view on which we want to apply the recipe

void Aidge::removeFlatten(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView)#

Remove Flatten before :cpp:function:Aidge::FC Node.


graphView – Graph view to use graph matching on, in order to apply transformations.

Explicit Cast Move#

Insert Cast and Move operators where needed (thus removing all implicit data type conversion and backend change data movement).

void Aidge::explicitCastMove(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView)#

Add Cast and Move operators where needed to ensure no conversion needs to be done at the Operator level.

Expand meta operators#

Expand meta operators, replacing them with their inner graph (flatten the graph).

void Aidge::expandMetaOps(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graph, bool recursive = false)#

Flatten the graph by replacing the meta operators by their micro graph.


recursive – If true, recursively replace meta operators until there is no more meta operator in the graph.