Viewing cluster information by using the Amlen WebUI

Use the cluster status view to see statistics about the cluster, the cluster members, and messaging activity between this server and the remote cluster members.

You can view cluster and cluster member statistics by using the Amlen WebUI, or by using REST Monitoring API. For more information about using a REST Monitoring API to view connection monitor statistics, see Viewing cluster information by using REST Monitoring APIs.

From the Amlen WebUI, navigate to the Cluster Status page by selecting Cluster > Status.
  • To view information about the rate of message throughput for the Eclipse Amlen server on which you are viewing cluster monitoring statistics, complete the following step:

    1. From the Cluster Status page, go to the Throughput Chart pane.
      The Throughput Chart displays the rate of message traffic into and from the cluster:
      • Local incoming and outgoing rates relate to messages that are received from or sent to messaging client applications (MQTT or JMS applications).
      • Remote incoming and outgoing rates relate to messages that are received from or sent to other Eclipse Amlen servers in the cluster
  • To view information about the cluster status of the cluster member on which you are viewing cluster monitoring statistics, complete the following step:
    1. From the Cluster Status page, go to the Cluster Status Data pane.

      The cluster information about the server on which you are viewing the cluster monitoring statistics is displayed.

  • To view information about the other cluster members, complete the following step:
    1. From the Cluster Status page, go to the Cluster Status Data pane and view the cluster member table.

      For details about the data presented in the table, see Cluster monitoring.

    2. Optional. By clicking on a cluster member in the first column of the table, you can start to manage that cluster member. If the server is already in the list of servers that are administered by the Amlen WebUI, the link takes you to the cluster status page of that server. If the server is not in the list of servers that are administered by the Amlen WebUI, you are prompted to provide configuration information for the other cluster member before you can start to manage it.