Show the JVM maximum heap size of the plug-in server
Shows the JVM maximum heap size of the plug-in server.URI
Use the Eclipse Amlen REST API GET method with the following Eclipse Amlen configuration URI:
Usage NotesĀ®
- Capitalization must be used as shown.
Related REST Administration APIs
- Set the JVM maximum heap size of the plug-in server
- Set the host IP address or host name of the remote JVM debugger of the debug plug-in server
- Show the host IP address or host name of the JVM remote debugger of the plug-in server
- Set the port number of the JVM remote debugger of the plug-in server
- Show the port number of the JVM remote debugger of the plug-in server
Shows the host IP address of the JVM remote debugger of the plug-in server by using cURL:curl -X GET
An example response to the GET method:
"Version": "v1",
"PluginMaxHeapSize": 1024