Set TolerateRecoveryInconsistencies


Specifies whether Eclipse Amlen is to continue and try to recover as much data as possible if it encounters problems with persisted data during restart.


Use the Eclipse Amlen REST API POST method with the following Eclipse Amlen configuration URI:


Object configuration data

Provide TolerateRecoveryInconsistencies object configuration data in the payload of the POST method by using the following schema. Content-type is set to application/json:

 "TolerateRecoveryInconsistencies": true|false  
TolerateRecoveryInconsistencies: true|false
Specifies whether Eclipse Amlen is to continue and try to recover as much data as possible if it encounters problems with persisted data during restart (true) or not (false).
Setting a value of true can lead to partial or complete data loss if problems are encountered in the persisted data during recovery. A setting of false causes the server to enter maintenance mode to allow problem determination or cleaning the store.
The default value is false.

Usage NotesĀ®

  • Capitalization and double quotation marks must be used as shown.


Specifies that Eclipse Amlen is to continue and try to recover as much data as possible if it encounters problems with persisted data during restart:

curl -X POST \
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
   -d  '{
         "TolerateRecoveryInconsistencies": true
      '  \
An example response to the GET method:

  "Version": "v1",
  "Code": "CWLNA6011",
  "Message": "The requested configuration change has completed successfully."

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