Uses of Package
Packages that use org.eclipse.persistence.mappings
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.descriptorsClassDescriptionPurpose: Two objects can be considered to be related by aggregation if there is a strict 1:1 relationship between the objects.Purpose: Generic association object.Purpose: This provides an abstract class for setting and retrieving the attribute value for the mapping from an object.Purpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings which store collection of objectsPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the databasePurpose: Abstract class for 1:1, variable 1:1 and reference mappings
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.dynamicClassDescriptionPurpose:Two objects can be considered to be related by aggregation if there is a strict 1:1 relationship between the objects.Purpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the databasePurpose: This mapping is used to store a collection of simple types (String, Number, Date, etc.) into a single table.Purpose: Maps an attribute to the corresponding database field type.Purpose: This mapping is used to represent the typical RDBMS relationship between a single source object and collection of target objects; where, on the database, the target objects have references (foreign keys) to the source object.Purpose: One to one mappings are used to represent a pointer references between two java objects.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.eisClassDescriptionPurpose: Two objects can be considered to be related by aggregation if there is a strict 1:1 relationship between the objects.Purpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings which store collection of objectsPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the databasePurpose: Abstract class for 1:1, variable 1:1 and reference mappings
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.eis.mappingsClassDescriptionPurpose: Two objects can be considered to be related by aggregation if there is a strict 1:1 relationship between the objects.Purpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings which store collection of objectsInterface used by clients to interact with the assorted mappings that use
.Purpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the databasePurpose: Abstract class for relationship mappingsPurpose: Abstract class for 1:1, variable 1:1 and reference mappings -
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.exceptionsClassDescriptionPurpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings which store collection of objectsPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the databasePurpose: This mapping is used to store a collection of simple types (String, Number, Date, etc.) into a single table.Purpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.expressionsClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.historyClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptorsClassDescriptionPurpose: Generic association object.Purpose: This provides an abstract class for setting and retrieving the attribute value for the mapping from an object.Purpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the databasePurpose: Generic association object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamicClassDescriptionPurpose: This provides an abstract class for setting and retrieving the attribute value for the mapping from an object.Purpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressionsClassDescriptionPurpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings which store collection of objectsPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helperClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.identitymaps
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.indirectionClassDescriptionPurpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings which store collection of objectsPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the databasePurpose: Abstract class for relationship mappingsPurpose: Abstract class for 1:1, variable 1:1 and reference mappings
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jaxbClassDescriptionPurpose: This provides an abstract class for setting and retrieving the attribute value for the mapping from an object.Purpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jaxb.manyClassDescriptionPurpose: This provides an abstract class for setting and retrieving the attribute value for the mapping from an object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpaClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.jpqlClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadataClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.classesClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.mappingsClassDescriptionPurpose:Two objects can be considered to be related by aggregation if there is a strict 1:1 relationship between the objects.Purpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings which store collection of objectsInterface used by clients to interact with the assorted mappings that use
.Purpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the databaseINTERNAL Common interface to those mappings that are used to map JPA Embedded objects.Purpose: Abstract class for relationship mappingsPurpose: Abstract class for 1:1, variable 1:1 and reference mappingsPurpose: One to one mappings are used to represent a pointer references between two java objects.Purpose: Contains relation table functionality that was originally defined in ManyToManyMapping and now is shared with OneToOneMapping.Purpose: UnidirectionalOneToManyMapping doesn't have 1:1 back reference mapping.Purpose: Variable one to one mappings are used to represent a pointer references between a java object and an implementer of an interface. -
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.columnsClassDescriptionPurpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings which store collection of objectsPurpose: Variable one to one mappings are used to represent a pointer references between a java object and an implementer of an interface.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.convertersClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.mappingsClassDescriptionPurpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings which store collection of objectsInterface used by clients to interact with the assorted mappings that use
.Purpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings -
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.transformersClassDescriptionPurpose: A transformation mapping is used for a specialized translation between how a value is represented in Java and its representation on the databae.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.xmlClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metamodelClassDescriptionPurpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings which store collection of objectsPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.parsingClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.weavingClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxmClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.accessorClassDescriptionPurpose: This provides an abstract class for setting and retrieving the attribute value for the mapping from an object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queriesClassDescriptionPurpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings which store collection of objectsPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the databaseMapping for a collection of key-value pairs.Purpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessionsClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the databasePurpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factoriesClassDescriptionPurpose: This provides an abstract class for setting and retrieving the attribute value for the mapping from an object.Purpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.remoteClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.xrClassDescriptionPurpose: This provides an abstract class for setting and retrieving the attribute value for the mapping from an object.Purpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.jaxbClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.rsClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.jsonClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.mappingsClassDescriptionPurpose: Two objects can be considered to be related by aggregation if there is a strict 1:1 relationship between the objects.Purpose: Generic association object.Purpose: This provides an abstract class for setting and retrieving the attribute value for the mapping from an object.Purpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings which store collection of objectsInterface used by clients to interact with the assorted mappings that use
.Purpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the databasePurpose: This mapping is used to store a collection of simple types (String, Number, Date, etc.) into a single table.INTERNAL Common interface to those mappings that are used to map JPA Embedded objects.Purpose: Abstract class for relationship mappingsPurpose: Many to many mappings are used to represent the relationships between a collection of source objects and a collection of target objects.Purpose: Abstract class for 1:1, variable 1:1 and reference mappingsPurpose: This mapping is used to represent the typical RDBMS relationship between a single source object and collection of target objects; where, on the database, the target objects have references (foreign keys) to the source object.Purpose: One to one mappings are used to represent a pointer references between two java objects.Mode for writeFromObjectIntoRowInternal methodINTERNAL All mappings which can be added to org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.Descriptor must implement this interface.Purpose: Contains relation table functionality that was originally defined in ManyToManyMapping and now is shared with OneToOneMapping.Purpose: UnidirectionalOneToManyMapping doesn't have 1:1 back reference mapping. -
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.convertersClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.foundationClassDescriptionPurpose: Two objects can be considered to be related by aggregation if there is a strict 1:1 relationship between the objects.Interface used by clients to interact with the assorted mappings that use
.Purpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database -
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.structuresClassDescriptionPurpose: Two objects can be considered to be related by aggregation if there is a strict 1:1 relationship between the objects.Purpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings which store collection of objectsInterface used by clients to interact with the assorted mappings that use
.Purpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the databasePurpose: Abstract class for relationship mappingsPurpose: Abstract class for 1:1, variable 1:1 and reference mappings -
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.xdbClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the databasePurpose: Maps an attribute to the corresponding database field type.INTERNAL All mappings which can be added to org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.Descriptor must implement this interface.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.oxmClassDescriptionPurpose: Two objects can be considered to be related by aggregation if there is a strict 1:1 relationship between the objects.Purpose: This provides an abstract class for setting and retrieving the attribute value for the mapping from an object.Purpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappingsClassDescriptionPurpose: Two objects can be considered to be related by aggregation if there is a strict 1:1 relationship between the objects.Purpose: This provides an abstract class for setting and retrieving the attribute value for the mapping from an object.Interface used by clients to interact with the assorted mappings that use
.Purpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database -
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.convertersClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.queriesClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.sdoClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helperClassDescriptionPurpose: This provides an abstract class for setting and retrieving the attribute value for the mapping from an object.Purpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.metadataClassDescriptionPurpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the database
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.factoriesClassDescriptionPurpose: The aggregate collection mapping is used to represent the aggregate relationship between a single source object and a collection of target objects.Purpose:Two objects can be considered to be related by aggregation if there is a strict 1:1 relationship between the objects.Purpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the databasePurpose: This mapping is used to store a collection of simple types (String, Number, Date, etc.) into a single table.Mapping for a collection of key-value pairs.Purpose: Abstract class for relationship mappingsPurpose: Many to many mappings are used to represent the relationships between a collection of source objects and a collection of target objects.Purpose: This mapping is used to represent the typical RDBMS relationship between a single source object and collection of target objects; where, on the database, the target objects have references (foreign keys) to the source object.Purpose: One to one mappings are used to represent a pointer references between two java objects.Purpose: A transformation mapping is used for a specialized translation between how a value is represented in Java and its representation on the databae.Purpose: Variable one to one mappings are used to represent a pointer references between a java object and an implementer of an interface.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.interceptors
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by Two objects can be considered to be related by aggregation if there is a strict 1:1 relationship between the objects.Purpose: Defines how an attribute of an object maps to and from the databasePurpose: Maps an attribute to the corresponding database field type.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.mappings used by The aggregate collection mapping is used to represent the aggregate relationship between a single source object and a collection of target objects.Purpose: This mapping is used to store a collection of simple types (String, Number, Date, etc.) into a single table.Purpose: Maps an attribute to the corresponding database field type.Purpose: Abstract class for relationship mappingsPurpose: This mapping is used to represent the typical RDBMS relationship between a single source object and collection of target objects; where, on the database, the target objects have references (foreign keys) to the source object.Purpose: One to one mappings are used to represent a pointer references between two java objects.Purpose: Contains relation table functionality that was originally defined in ManyToManyMapping and now is shared with OneToOneMapping.Purpose: A transformation mapping is used for a specialized translation between how a value is represented in Java and its representation on the databae.