Tiergarten: Communication

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This tutorial aims to provide a general overview of the Eclipse MOSAIC application concept and shows two examples that involve ad-hoc communication via IEEE 802.11p between different participants and message passing from one application to another that run on the same vehicle. This scenario mainly focusses on how to use applications and communication.

Note, there is no specific situation which should be explained with the given setup. The scenario is located in “Tiergarten” as an example of a straight road found here.

Learning Objectives

The tutorial is split up into four main parts:

  • How to equip a vehicle with one or more applications. This process is called mapping.

  • An example application that shows how to implement communication between different vehicles via a wireless ad-hoc network.

  • The next part of the tutorial shows how to accomplish message passing between two applications that run on the same vehicle.

  • The last part of the tutorial shows how to retrieve the results of a simulation run.


The scenario consists of three vehicles that drive down a road in consecutive order and pass a Road Side Unit (RSU) that emits messages in a fixed interval. The vehicles will receive the messages from the RSU as soon as they are in communication range. Ad-hoc communication is being used to highlight signal range. Furthermore the scenario includes manipulation of traffic lights which will be discussed in the Tiergarten: Traffic Lights tutorial.

Overview of Tiergarten tutorial scenario

After completing this tutorial the reader should be able to deploy own applications according to his needs and make use of ad-hoc communication among vehicles and intra-vehicle communication among applications on the same vehicle. The Eclipse MOSAIC Cell simulator that is used to simulate cellular network communication will be covered in tutorial 2. The source code for all the applications in this tutorial can be found here.

Mapping Configuration

Read the detailed documentation of the Mapping Configuration.

In order to use applications they have to be assigned (mapped in Eclipse MOSAIC terminology) to a simulation entity. In this tutorial, we will assign applications to an RSU that is placed along the road (the red symbol in the top picture) and to the vehicles. In order to do this the following steps are necessary:

  1. Navigate to the mapping folder of the Tiergarten tutorial scenario.
  2. Edit the mapping_config.json to let it point to the correct classes for your application, define prototypes and to add entities to the simulation.

The mapping is already configured correctly, so we will continue with a description of the important parts of the mapping configuration.

Prototype Section

This section contains the properties of the simulated entities, including their applications. You can, for example, configure the maximum speed and the length of a vehicle. Normally, the default values are fine here. In order to map one or more applications you have to fill in the complete class identifier including the package in the applications array. In this tutorial, we have mapped three applications to the vehicles and one application to the RSU.

Mapping for the normal cars:

"applications": [

Mapping for the TrafficLightCar:

"applications": [

Mapping for the RSU:

"applications": [

In order for Eclipse MOSAIC to be able to locate these classes, the resulting .jar archive should be placed in the application folder of your scenario. For our tutorial we have packaged the needed classes MessageReceivingApp, EventSendingApp, EventProcessingApp, VehicleToTrafficLightApp and RoadSideUnitApp into one .jar file. However, this isn’t a strict requirement. What these classes actually do and how they are implemented will be covered in the next two parts of this tutorial.

Vehicle and RSU sections

This part of the mapping is used to actually bring entities like vehicles and RSUs into the simulation. For example, we placed the RSU that is equipped with the RoadSideUnitApp application at the specific geo coordinate with latitude = 52.5130607 and longitude = 13.328910. Usually, this and the mapping of its application is all that is necessary to make use of an RSU. For this tutorial we go with just one RSU but analogous to adding multiple vehicles we could also add more of them if the need arises.

Spawning vehicles is a little bit more complex than adding a RSU. Vehicles are configured as groups from which we have three in this tutorial scenario. Exemplary, we will describe one of these groups in more detail:

"vehicles": [
		"startingTime": "1.0 s",
		"route": "0",
		"maxNumberVehicles": 1,
		"types": [ { "name": "Car" } ]

Inter-Vehicle Communication

This part describes the RoadSideUnitApp and MessageReceivingApp in more detail, which are used for inter-vehicle communication. As a coarse overview, the RoadSideUnitApp application sends out a defined message at a fixed interval. These messages are received and written to the log file by the MessageReceivingApp application.

Receiving the V2X messages

First, we start off with the class definition of the MessageReceivingApp, which is mapped onto the vehicles, and then we will run through the methods we have to implement in order to get the communication working.

Class definition

public class MessageReceivingApp extends AbstractApplication<VehicleOperatingSystem> 
	implements CommunicationApplication {...}

In general, every vehicle application will extend the AbstractApplication abstract class with the VehicleOperatingSystem type parameter. The VehicleOperatingSystem is the main way to interact with the underlying vehicle and gives a wide array of functionality to the user. Also, depending on the needs of the application, several interfaces have to be implemented. For our scenario we implement CommunicationApplication to be able to receive and handle V2X messages.

Application initialization

During the initialization procedure of communicating applications, the communication modules (WLANModule or CellModule) need to be activated. For example, activating the WLAN module can be achieved with the following code snippet:

public void onStartup() {
    getLog().infoSimTime(this, "Initialize application");
    getOs().getAdHocModule().enable(new AdHocModuleConfiguration()
    getLog().infoSimTime(this, "Activated AdHoc Module");

Additional arguments specify the communication properties of the module, such as which ad-hoc channel shall be used and how strong the Wifi antenna is (50mW in this case). Note: The honoring of these arguments depends on the underlying network simulator. Currently, ns-3 and OMNeT++ make use of these arguments. For SNS, the method distance(250) shall be used instead of power(50).

Receiving messages

In order to act upon received messages from other simulation entities, the onMessageReceived from the CommunicationApplication interface is used. In our tutorial scenario we don’t do something special upon message receiving and just write the position of the sender RSU into the log file.

public void onMessageReceived(ReceivedV2xMessage receivedV2xMessage) {
    if (receivedV2xMessage.getMessage() instanceof InterVehicleMsg) {
        getLog().infoSimTime(this, "Received V2X message from RoadSideUnit at [{}]",
                ((InterVehicleMsg) receivedV2xMessage.getMessage()).getSenderPosition()

This is basically all it takes to receive messages from another simulation entity. Normally, the application author uses an own message class that derives from V2XMessage and casts it to his specific class in order to handle messages easier.

Sending the V2X messages

Example of RSU communication range

Since the receiving application is now set up we move on to the sending side of this tutorial. The sending takes place from the RSU via a broadcast, so every vehicle in transmission range will receive the message sent by it. The picture above shows the communication range of the RSU which is dependent from the settings in the communication simulator. The actual sending takes place in the RoadSideUnitApp application which is equipped to the RSU via the mapping configuration.

Application simulator event model

In order to send messages at a fixed interval we make use of the event based model of the Eclipse MOSAIC Application Simulator. A high level description in what we need to do in order to send messages at a specific interval can be summarized as follows:

Application Setup

public void onStartup() {
    getLog().infoSimTime(this, "Initialize application");
    getOs().getAdHocModule().enable(new AdHocModuleConfiguration()
    getLog().infoSimTime(this, "Activated WLAN Module");

The setup for the RSU is more or less the same as for the vehicle where we activate the Wifi module. Additionally, the sample() method gets called which is responsible for the events.

Event scheduling

The next step is to line up the event at the interval we desire. The method we use for that, sample(), looks like this:

public void sample() {
    getOs().getEventManager().addEvent(getOs().getSimulationTime() + TIME_INTERVAL, this);
    getLog().infoSimTime(this, "Sending out AdHoc broadcast");

public void processEvent(Event event) throws Exception {

Here, an Event is created which will be received at the current time in simulation plus the defined interval which is set to two seconds. The second argument for the event creation is a reference to the originating class instance. For our tutorial, the this reference is sufficient here. After we created the event, it is added to the event queue via addEvent() which will result in a call to processEvent() at the given interval.

Message sending

After we made sure the method that does the actual sending of the message is called at the specified interval, we take a closer look at the sendAdHocBroadcast() method we defined in the TiergartenRSU class:

private void sendAdHocBroadcast() {
    final MessageRouting routing = getOs().getAdHocModule().createMessageRouting()
    final InterVehicleMsg message = new InterVehicleMsg(routing, getOs().getPosition());

This method has basically three tasks to solve:

These steps conclude the sending of the message. The procedure is the same for sending messages from a vehicle instead of a RSU.

Intra-Vehicle Communication

This part of the tutorial describes the steps necessary for letting two applications to communicate with each other on the same vehicle. Here, we use the EventSendingApp application as the sender and EventProcessingApp as the receiver. The EventSendingApp will schedule events that reach all other applications on the same vehicle. In general, the approach is similar to the sending of a V2X message and also makes use of the event system.

Message sending

First, we start off with the sending side. The event code should look familiar:

public void onVehicleUpdated(@Nullable VehicleData previousVehicleData, @Nonnull VehicleData updatedVehicleData) {
    final List<? extends Application> applications = getOs().getApplications();
    final IntraVehicleMsg message = new IntraVehicleMsg(getOs().getId(), getRandom().nextInt(0, MAX_ID));

    for (Application application : applications) {
        final Event event = new Event(getOs().getSimulationTime() + 10, application, message);

One noteworthy thing is that we use the onVehicleUpdated-method to line up a new event. This method is called automatically if the vehicle data (for example, speed or heading) gets updated, which usually takes place at every time step of the traffic or vehicle simulation.

The general approach works like this:

  1. Get a list of all applications that run on the vehicle using getApplications().
  2. Create a new message. Here we use our own custom message called IntraVehicleMsg which takes a randomly generated id and the name of the vehicle as payload. Again, this is for tutorial purposes and could be anything.
  3. After that we iterate over every application that runs on the vehicle, in this case two:
    • EventSendingApp
    • EventProcessingApp
  4. Then, an event is constructed for each app running on the vehicle and added to the event queue the same way as in the inter-vehicle example.

Receiving the message

The actual receiving of the message takes place in the EventProcessingApp application. Since the intra vehicle messages are basically treated as an event, the code is straight forward here:

public void processEvent(Event event) {
    Object resource = event.getResource();
    if (resource instanceof IntraVehicleMsg) {
        final IntraVehicleMsg message = (IntraVehicleMsg) resource;
        // message was passed from another app on the same vehicle
        if (message.getOrigin().equals(getOs().getId())) {
            getLog().infoSimTime(this, "Received message from another application: {}", message.toString());

The general concept here is that the payload is wrapped as an object in the actual event. The procedure here is as follows:

Interpretation of simulation results

The last part of the tutorial describes how to retrieve the actual simulation results. For this tutorial, the results are quite simple and simply show the arrival of the Inter- and IntraVehicle messages. So after executing the simulation using the following command:

./mosaic.sh -s Tiergarten
mosaic.bat -s Tiergarten

Afterwards, in the log directory of Eclipse MOSAIC a new folder should be created containing all log files of the simulation run. Within, the sub-folder apps contains the log files for each simulation unit and its application. For example, for the normal vehicles we end up with three log files: MessageReceivingApp.log, EventSendingApp.log and EventProcessingApp.log.

This following snippet shows the receiving of the V2X messages that were sent by the RSU:

INFO  - Initialize application (at simulation time 6.000,000,000 s)
INFO  - Activated AdHoc Module (at simulation time 6.000,000,000 s)
INFO  - Received V2X Message from rsu_0 (at simulation time 18.000,400,000 s)
INFO  - Received V2X Message from rsu_0 (at simulation time 20.000,400,000 s)

Next, we see the contents of the IntraVehicleMessage that originates from another app on the vehicle:

INFO  - Initialize application (at simulation time 2.000,000,000 s)
INFO  - Received message from another application: IntraVehicleMsg{origin='veh_0', id=631} ...

The following log was generated by the RSU application and logs the sending of each ad-hoc broadcast:

INFO  - Initialize application (at simulation time 0.000,000,000 s)
INFO  - Activated WLAN Module (at simulation time 0.000,000,000 s)
INFO  - Sending out AdHoc broadcast (at simulation time 0.000,000,000 s)
INFO  - Sending out AdHoc broadcast (at simulation time 2.000,000,000 s)

This concludes the first tutorial and hopefully gave an idea on how to use the Eclipse MOSAIC Application Simulator to send out and receiving messages to other simulation entities or inside the same vehicle.

The OperatingSystem.log files do not contain specific application output and is mainly used for debugging purposes and won’t be discussed in this tutorial.


The Tiergarten tutorial shows detailed the configuration capability and how the communication types can be used. The following list sums up the things we have covered in this tutorial: