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Network Proxy

Given the fact that xpanse will have integrations to many APIs, it's necessary to allow xpanse to be usable behind corporate proxies.

standardizing configuration parameters

Different programming languages, libraries and systems gets proxy information from different sources and in different formats.

To unify this within xpanse, we support the 'Linux' based proxy configuration.

Inject Proxy Parameters

Three parameters - http_proxy, https_proxy and no_proxy control the proxy configuration, and they must be available as environment variables to the runtime.

Variable names can be lowercase or uppercase. If both are available, then the first priority will be given to lower case.

export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=
export no_proxy="localhost"

Use Proxy Parameters

Since different HTTP clients use different sources and formats for network proxy, the integrations in xpanse can use the following ways to get proxy information.

  1. The environment variables passed to the runtime can be directly used if necessary.
  2. xpanse parses the proxy details from environment variables and injects necessary java specific proxy parameters as Java system properties. More information can be found Java network proxies. Libraries which depend on these default Java proxy system properties will work out of the box.
  3. Additionally,the complete proxy configuration is exposed as a Spring bean. It can be accessed from anywhere using ProxyConfigurationManager bean.