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This is the frontend for the xpanse project which allows cloud service providers to register managed services to the service catalog and also for end users to deploy services from the service catalog and manage them.

Application Stack

Project is built using ReactJS library. As we use TypeScript here, we must ensure all objects have its type explicit defined.

GUI components are built using antd library.

Authentication and Authorization

Auth can be controlled by VITE_APP_AUTH_DISABLED configuration property. This property is also already configured with appropriate values in different configuration files.


When we start the UI with the default run command npm run start, then the UI will start with no authentication and authorization. This must be used only for testing and development purposes.

Default Roles

When authentication and authorization is disabled, the test user will then have all roles by default.


Authentication and authorization are protected by an OAuth provider. The default implementation uses Zitadel as the OAuth provider.

Zitadel Configuration

Before we can start using the UI, we must ensure Zitadel instance that we consider using, has all the required configuration. Details can be found here.

For local environments, the access_tokens are stored with in the browser storage. This isn't safe, but it's enough for non-production environments and for debugging purposes.

For production environments, we must use Service Workers which will block anyone from accessing the token. This can be enabled by making the following configurations.


and the file OidcTrustedDomains.js must be updated with correct information. oidcDomains must have the identity provider URL and accessTokenDomains must have the xpanse API server URL.

OidcTrustedDomains.js changes not necessary

If the same must be used with our official docker images, then this file need not be touched. It will be automatically set from the environment variables.

Configuration Properties

All required configuration parameters must be added to .env file here. Even if we don't have a valid default value, we must just add empty value. This file serves as a reference to all required properties.

No secrets in configuration file

Since React is compiled to a static app, all configuration values can be seen directly in the browser too. Therefore, no secure configurations such as passwords, keys, etc. must be added here.

Setting Configuration Values

.env Files

  1. Set values in the .env files. All default values are set in .env files. These are automatically loaded by React and there is no need to do anything for this to be loaded.
  2. For non-default properties or to override the values is .env, we can set the values in new .env files and load them using env-cmd framework which will automatically inject the variables. Example can be found here
Default configuration location

.env files must be used only for default configurations or for development environment configurations values.

Environment Variables

All variables can be overridden by setting environment variables and then running the npm run start for development or with docker run for production.

Getting Configuration Values

We've a custom implementation which reads the configuration from all sources and provides a unified configuration map. Only this must be used for reading configuration from the React app.

Implementation can be found here.

Starting local development server

In the project directory, you can run the below command to start the local development server. This also additionally needs nodejs to be installed on the development machine.

No Auth

To start local development server without any auth, use the below command.

$ npm run start

Local OAuth

To start local development server with local OAuth server, then update the VITE_APP_ZITADEL_CLIENT_ID value in the .env.zitadel-local fie and then start the server with below command.

$ npm run start-with-zitadel-local

Testbed OAuth

If you wish to use our central Zitadel testbed instance, then simply start the application with the below command. For this you would need an account on our testbed instance.

$ npm run start-with-zitadel-testbed

Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Static Code Analysis

We use eslint and knip to statically analyze code. Always run the below command locally to ensure the changes made results in no errors. This will also validate the code format. In case of any errors, the CI pipeline will fail when a PR is opened.

 npx eslint . --ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx --config package.json --max-warnings=0
npx knip

Code Formatting

We use prettier to format our UI code. To auto format the code, you can run the below command.

npx prettier --config .prettierrc --write .

Generate Rest Client for xpanse API

We use the OpenAPI generator to generate data models and rest client from the OpenAPI JSON file. The following steps must be followed to generate a new client and data models whenever there is a new version if the swagger JSON.

  1. Start xpanse application with the profiles - oauth,zitadel,dev,zitadel-local
  2. Open the OpenAPI doc in browser - http://localhost:8080/v3/api-docs
  3. Get the JSON format of the OpenAPI from raw data tab.
  4. Copy the OpenAPI file to the OpenAPI JSON File location.
  5. Run the code generator as below
    This script will generate all required models and client, add license headers and format newly generated files.

Build for production

The only recommended way to run UI in production is to use the docker image

Docker Image

Docker image for the UI project is based on NGINX base image. This is because the project only serves static content.

As part of our UI release process, we deliver our official images to GitHub packages. All available images can be found here.

Run UI Container

Container runs the application on port 3000 by default and exposes the UI using HTTP. We must use another SSL load balancer to expose the UI for end users.

Production configuration values must be passed as environment variables to docker run for the below vars using -e option.

VITE_APP_ZITADEL_CLIENT_ID # Client ID provided by the Oauth provider for UI
VITE_APP_AUTH_USE_SERVICE_WORKER_ONLY=true # for production. Otherwise, this step config can be ignored.
docker pull${version}
docker run -d --name ui xpanse-ui

Application Logs

All logs from NGINX are routed to stdout by default. Using the below command, all application logs can be viewed.

docker logs ui

Non production environments without HTTPS

The OAuth client libraries used by the UI are highly secure and don't allow using plain HTTP except for localhost. For all other test purposes when there is a necessity to use HTTP together with an IP or host name that's not localhost, then the browser configuration must be changed as below to consider that IP or host name as a secure origin.

  1. Go to chrome://flags/#unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure.
  2. Add the origin which you want to treat as secure that is,
  3. Restart chrome.

Unit and Integration Tests

We use playwright to write unit and integration tests for the UI components. Please consider the following points in writing tests

  1. Use Page Object Models (POM) for each component.
  2. Consider stable locators for elements.
  3. Use the default codegen and mock recorder from playwright to ensure faster development.

Running tests

npx playwright test

Run Tests with inbuilt UI - Necessary for debugging

npx playwright test --ui

Generating locators and actions for tests

Use playwright's inbuilt codegen to generate locators for DOM elements. Start UI app locally first and then run

npx playwright codegen http://localhost:3000

Mocking API responses

It's easier to capture API responses to mock them after that in the unit tests rather than manually creating mock.

This command will start the browser, and then we must perform actions on the UI that are necessary to be mocked. It will then record the API responses into test.har which can be then used in the tests.

npx playwright open --save-har=test.har --save-har-glob="**/xpanse/**" http://localhost:3000