Plateform interoperability#

Numpy interoperability#

Thanks to PyBind11, there is a seemless interoperability with Numpy arrays, achieved by defining a buffer_protocol in the binding of AIDGE Tensor. This allows to use data loaded from an other frameworks which are compatible with Numpy.

PyTorch interoperability#

AIDGE is interoperable with PyTorch and allows:

  • Creating an AIDGE Tensor from a PyTorch Tensor

  • Running an AIDGE graph view within the PyTorch environment.

PyTorch model interoperability#

AIDGE is interoperable with PyTorch and allows running an AIDGE computational graph within the PyTorch environment. Model interoperability consists in wrapping a Torch module around an AIDGE graph view, which is done through a conversion step involving an ONNX file.


Here is a schema on how the interoperability works:


This feature requires a dependency to:

  • torch

  • torchvision

  • onnx-simplifier

  • onnx

PyTorch tensor interoperability#

AIDGE can convert Torch tensors by using the Numpy interoperability. When a Torch Tensor is defined on GPU, it can be converted to AIDGE Tensor without copy on the device, if a AIDGE CUDA backend is available. This is possible because a pointer to the memory of the data on the GPU is accessible by the PyTorch API.

Keras interoperability#

Keras model interoperability#

Similarly to the the PyTorch interoperability, AIDGE defines an interoperability with Keras. AIDGE allows creating a wrapper from a Keras Model by performing a conversion step via an ONNX file.

This feature recquires a dependency to:

  • tensorflow

  • tf2onnx

  • protobuff

Keras Tensor interoperability#

AIDGE can convert Keras tensors by using the Numpy interoperability.