Show store statistics by using REST Monitoring APIs


Reports store statistics for Eclipse Amlen.


Use the Eclipse Amlen REST API GET method with the following Eclipse Amlen monitoring URI:


Object configuration data

Provide query parameters requesting the statistics that you want returned in the JSON payload. The following example uses cURL to create store-related statistics:
curl -X GET
Specifies the type of store data to report.
This value can be one of the following values:
  • Current®
    View a summarized list of store data.
  • History
    View a list of store data as selected on the StatType parameter .
  • MemoryDetail
    View a detailed list of store memory usage.
The default value is Current.
Specifies the time span (in seconds) of the data to be collected.

Valid value range is 1 - 86400.

The default value is 1800.

Specifies the types of data to return when SubType is set to History.
You can specify multiple values in a comma delimited list. This value can be one of the following values:
  • MemoryUsedPercent
    Shows the percentage of persistent memory that is used, and therefore is not available.
  • DiskUsedPercent
    Shows the percentage of disk space that is used.
  • DiskFreeBytes
    Shows the amount of disk space, in bytes, that is available.
  • Pool1TotalBytes
    Shows the amount of memory, in bytes, in pool 1.
  • Pool1UsedBytes
    Shows the amount of memory, in bytes, that is currently in use in pool 1.
  • Pool1UsedPercent
    Shows the percentage of memory that is in use in pool 1.
  • Pool1RecordSizeBytes
    Shows the size, in bytes, of each record in pool 1.
  • Pool1RecordsLimitBytes
    Shows the overall amount of memory, in bytes, that can be used by client applications.
  • Pool1RecordsUsedBytes
    Shows the amount of memory, in bytes, that is being used for client records.
  • ClientStatesBytes
    Shows the memory allocated for clients that must be remembered when they are disconnected. In MQTT, these are clients that connected using a cleanSession=0 setting or clients that connected and set a will message the quality of service of which is 1 or 2.
  • QueuesBytes
    Shows the memory, in bytes, allocated for queues. Memory is allocated in this category for each queue that is created for point-to-point messaging.
  • TopicsBytes
    Shows the memory, in bytes, allocated for topics. The server allocates memory in this category for each topic with a persistent retained message.
  • SubscriptionsBytes
    Shows the memory, in bytes, allocated for durable subscription records. In MQTT, these are subscriptions for clients that connected using a cleanSession=0 setting.
  • TransactionsBytes
    Shows the memory, in bytes, allocated for transaction records. The server allocates memory in this category for each transaction.
  • MQConnectivityBytes
    Shows the memory, in bytes, allocated for connectivity with IBM® MQ queue managers.
  • Pool2TotalBytes
    Shows the amount of memory, in bytes, in pool 2.
  • Pool2UsedBytes
    Shows the amount of memory, in bytes, that is currently in use in pool 2.
  • Pool2UsedPercent
    Shows the percentage of memory that is in use in pool 2.
  • IncomingMessageAcksBytes
    Shows the memory, in bytes, allocated for acknowledging incoming messages. The server allocates memory in this category for MQTT clients that connected using a cleanSession=0 setting and are publishing messages the quality of service of which is 2. This memory is used to ensure once-and-once-only delivery.

The default value is DiskUsedPercent. For reasons of compatability with earlier versions, the header StoreDiskUsage is returned when the default is used.

Usage Notes®

  • The command must be capitalized as shown.
  • The command must use the double quotation marks as shown.
  • If the SubType is set to History, and monitoring data is not available for the requested statistic, a value of -1 is returned.


The following example uses cURL to show how a GET method is used to view statistical information about the usage of the persistent memory and disk.

curl -X GET  

The following example shows a successful example response to the GET method that was used to create statistical information about the usage of the persistent memory and disk.:

{ "Version":"v1", "Store": {"DiskUsedPercent":6,"DiskFreeBytes":98122571776,"MemoryUsedPercent":0,"MemoryTotalBytes":268434944,
"Pool2TotalBytes":80530432,"Pool2UsedBytes":385024,"Pool2UsedPercent":0 } }