Show destination mapping rule statistics by REST Monitoring APIs


Reports destination mapping rule monitoring data based on predefined queries.


Use the Eclipse Amlen REST API GET method with the following Eclipse Amlen monitoring URI:


Object configuration data

Provide query parameters requesting the statistics that you want returned in the JSON payload. The following example uses cURL to create destination mapping rule-related statistics:

curl -X GET
Specifies the name of the destination mapping rule to collect data about.
You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to specify a group of destination mapping rules. For example, to view the status of all destination mapping rules that start with MQ, use MQ*
The default value is *
Specifies the maximum number of results to report.
This value can be one of the following values: 10, 25, 50, 100.
The default value is 25.
Specifies the type of data to order the results by
This value can be one of the following values:
  • CommitCount
    Orders the monitoring data by the number of commit operations that are completed for the destination mapping rule.
    This value is the default value.
  • RollbackCount
    Orders the monitoring data by the number of rollback operations that are completed for the destination mapping rule.
  • PersistentCount
    Orders the monitoring data by the number of persistent messages that are sent by using the destination mapping rule.
  • NonPersistentCount
    Orders the monitoring data by the number of nonpersistent messages that are sent by using the destination mapping rule.
  • CommittedMessageCount
    Orders the monitoring data by the number of messages that are transferred within the transactions.
  • Status
    Orders the monitoring data by the status of the destination mapping rule.
Specifies the type of rule to return monitoring data for.
You can specify one of the following values:
  • IMATopicToMQQueue
    Returns destination mapping rules of the type Eclipse Amlen topic to IBM® MQ queue.
  • IMATopicToMQTopic
    Returns destination mapping rules of the type Eclipse Amlen topic to IBM MQ topic.
  • MQQueueToIMATopic
    Returns destination mapping rules of the type IBM MQ queue to Eclipse Amlen topic.
  • MQTopicToIMATopic
    Returns destination mapping rules of the type IBM MQ topic to Eclipse Amlen topic.
  • IMATopicSubtreeToMQQueue
    Returns destination mapping rules of the type Eclipse Amlen topic subtree to IBM MQ queue.
  • IMATopicSubtreeToMQTopic
    Returns destination mapping rules of the type Eclipse Amlen topic subtree to IBM MQ topic.
  • IMATopicSubtreeToMQTopicSubtree
    Returns destination mapping rules of the type Eclipse Amlen topic subtree to IBM MQ topic subtree.
  • MQTopicSubtreeToIMATopic
    Returns destination mapping rules of the type IBM MQ topic subtree to Eclipse Amlen topic.
  • MQTopicSubtreeToIMATopic
    Returns destination mapping rules of the type IBM MQ topic subtree to Eclipse Amlen topic.
  • MQTopicSubtreeToIMATopicSubtree
    Returns destination mapping rules of the type IBM MQ topic subtree to Eclipse Amlen topic subtree.
  • IMAQueueToMQQueue
    Returns destination mapping rules of the type Eclipse Amlen queue to IBM MQ queue.
  • IMAQueueToMQTopic
    Returns destination mapping rules of the type Eclipse Amlen queue to IBM MQ topic.
  • MQQueueToIMAQueue
    Returns destination mapping rules of the type IBM MQ queue to Eclipse Amlen queue.
  • MQTopicToIMAQueue
    Returns destination mapping rules of the type IBM MQ topic to Eclipse Amlen queue.
  • MQTopicSubtreeToIMAQueue
    Returns destination mapping rules of the type IBM MQ topic subtree to Eclipse Amlen queue.
  • Any
    Returns destination mapping rules of all types.
    This value is the default value.
Specifies the queue manager connection that the destination mapping rule must be associated with to have monitoring data returned.
You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to specify a group of queue manager connections. For example, to view the status of all destination mapping rules that are associated with queue managers that start with MQ, use MQ*
The default value is *

Usage Notes®

  • The command must be capitalized as shown.
  • The command must use the double quotation marks as shown.
  • The statistics that are produced can be up to 60 seconds out of date.
  • The value of the status field can be one of the following values:
    • 0
      The rule is operating normally.
    • 1
      The rule is not operating. The rule must be restarted by an administrator.
    • 2
      The rule encountered a problem. Eclipse Amlen is attempting to restart the rule.
    • 3
      The rule is being activated.

The following example uses cURL to show how a GET method is used to create statistics about destination mapping rules with a IMATopicToMQQueue rule type. The data is ordered by commit count:

curl -X GET*%26RuleType=IMATopicToMQQueue%26StatType=CommittedMessageCount

The following example shows a successful example response to the GET method that was used to create statistics about destination mapping rules with a IMATopicToMQQueue rule type:

{ "Version":"v1", "DestinationMappingRule": [ {"RuleName":"MyDestinationMappingRule","QueueManagerConnection":"QM1","CommitCount":1,
"RollbackCount":0,"CommittedMessageCount":0,"PersistentCount":0,"NonpersistentCount":0,"Status":3 } ] }