Uses of Package
Packages that use org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.core.mappingsClassDescriptionPurpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.descriptorsClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a query.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.copyingClassDescriptionPurpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.dynamicClassDescriptionCustom exception type that provides information about failure cases encountered when using a GenericEntity with TopLink.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.eisClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.Purpose: Any exception raised by EclipseLink should be a subclass of this exception class.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.eis.adapters.aqClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.eis.adapters.jmsClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.eis.adapters.xmlfileClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.eis.mappingsClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.Purpose: This exception is used when TopLink's optimistic locking feature is used.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.exceptionsClassDescriptionBeanValidationException should be used to represent any exception that happens during Bean Validation in MOXy.Purpose:This exception wraps all RMI or CORBA or IO exception that may occur.Purpose: Concurrency deadlock or interupts will raise this exception.Purpose: Conversion exceptions such as method or class not defined will raise this exception.Purpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.PUBLIC: runtime exception for EclipseLink DBWS ServicePurpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.Instances of this exception are raised if a problem is detected during the discovery of a TopLink cluster.Custom exception type that provides information about failure cases encountered when using a GenericEntity with TopLink.Purpose: Any exception raised by EclipseLink should be a subclass of this exception class.Purpose: IntegrityChecker is used for catching all the descriptor exceptions, and checking database tables.Purpose: This class provides an implementation of EclipseLinkException specific to the EclipseLink JAXB implementationPurpose: EJBQL parsing and resolution problems will raise this exceptionPurpose: This class provides an implementation of EclipseLinkException specific to the EclipseLink JSON handling (marshall, unmarshall, Jersey provider)Purpose: This exception is used when TopLink's optimistic locking feature is used.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a query.Instances of this exception are raised if a problem is detected in the RemoteCommandManager (RCM) feature.Purpose: This class provides an implementation of EclipseLinkException specific to the EclipseLink SDO (Service Data Objects) API.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.Purpose: XML conversion exceptions are raised for any problem when converting Java types to/from XML.Purpose: XMLMarshalExceptions are raised when issues are encountered during XMLMarshaller or XMLUnmarshaller operations.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.expressionsClassDescriptionPurpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a query.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccessClassDescriptionPurpose: Conversion exceptions such as method or class not defined will raise this exception.Purpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptorsClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a query.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamicClassDescriptionPurpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.Custom exception type that provides information about failure cases encountered when using a GenericEntity with TopLink.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.eis.cobolClassDescriptionPurpose: Any exception raised by EclipseLink should be a subclass of this exception class.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressionsClassDescriptionPurpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a query.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helperClassDescriptionPurpose: Concurrency deadlock or interupts will raise this exception.Purpose: Conversion exceptions such as method or class not defined will raise this exception.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.historyClassDescriptionPurpose: Concurrency deadlock or interupts will raise this exception.Purpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.identitymapsClassDescriptionPurpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.Purpose: Any exception raised by EclipseLink should be a subclass of this exception class.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.indirectionClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.Purpose: Any exception raised by EclipseLink should be a subclass of this exception class.Purpose: IntegrityChecker is used for catching all the descriptor exceptions, and checking database tables.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jaxbClassDescriptionPurpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jaxb.manyClassDescriptionPurpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpaClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.Purpose: This exception is used when TopLink's optimistic locking feature is used.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxmClassDescriptionPurpose: Conversion exceptions such as method or class not defined will raise this exception.Purpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a query.Purpose: XMLMarshalExceptions are raised when issues are encountered during XMLMarshaller or XMLUnmarshaller operations.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.recordClassDescriptionPurpose: XMLMarshalExceptions are raised when issues are encountered during XMLMarshaller or XMLUnmarshaller operations.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schemaClassDescriptionPurpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queriesClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used when TopLink's optimistic locking feature is used.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a query.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessionsClassDescriptionPurpose: Concurrency deadlock or interupts will raise this exception.Purpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Exception handler can catch errors that occur on queries or during database access.Purpose: IntegrityChecker is used for catching all the descriptor exceptions, and checking database tables.Purpose: This exception is used when TopLink's optimistic locking feature is used.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a query.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordinationClassDescriptionPurpose:This exception wraps all RMI or CORBA or IO exception that may occur.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.broadcastClassDescriptionPurpose:This exception wraps all RMI or CORBA or IO exception that may occur.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.corbaClassDescriptionPurpose:This exception wraps all RMI or CORBA or IO exception that may occur.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.rmiClassDescriptionPurpose:This exception wraps all RMI or CORBA or IO exception that may occur.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factoriesClassDescriptionPurpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.remoteClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a query.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.xrClassDescriptionPurpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.compiler.builder.helperClassDescriptionPurpose: This class provides an implementation of EclipseLinkException specific to the EclipseLink JAXB implementation
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by Any exception raised by EclipseLink should be a subclass of this exception class.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.mappingsClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.Purpose: This exception is used when TopLink's optimistic locking feature is used.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a query.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.convertersClassDescriptionPurpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.foundationClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.Purpose: This exception is used when TopLink's optimistic locking feature is used.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.structuresClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.Purpose: This exception is used when TopLink's optimistic locking feature is used.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.xdbClassDescriptionPurpose: Conversion exceptions such as method or class not defined will raise this exception.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.nosql.adapters.mongoClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.nosql.adapters.nosqlClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.nosql.adapters.sdkClassDescriptionPurpose: Conversion exceptions such as method or class not defined will raise this exception.Purpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.oxmClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.Purpose: XMLMarshalExceptions are raised when issues are encountered during XMLMarshaller or XMLUnmarshaller operations.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappingsClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.Purpose: XMLMarshalExceptions are raised when issues are encountered during XMLMarshaller or XMLUnmarshaller operations.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.recordClassDescriptionPurpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.Purpose: XMLMarshalExceptions are raised when issues are encountered during XMLMarshaller or XMLUnmarshaller operations.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.platform.databaseClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.oracleClassDescriptionPurpose: Conversion exceptions such as method or class not defined will raise this exception.Purpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.platform.xmlClassDescriptionPurpose: Any exception raised by EclipseLink should be a subclass of this exception class.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.queriesClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used when TopLink's optimistic locking feature is used.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a query.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.sdoClassDescriptionPurpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helperClassDescriptionPurpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.delegatesClassDescriptionPurpose: XMLMarshalExceptions are raised when issues are encountered during XMLMarshaller or XMLUnmarshaller operations.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.sessionsClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: Any exception raised by EclipseLink should be a subclass of this exception class.Exception handler can catch errors that occur on queries or during database access.Purpose: IntegrityChecker is used for catching all the descriptor exceptions, and checking database tables.Purpose: This exception is used when TopLink's optimistic locking feature is used.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a query.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.brokerClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: IntegrityChecker is used for catching all the descriptor exceptions, and checking database tables.Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a query.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.jgroupsClassDescriptionInstances of this exception are raised if a problem is detected in the RemoteCommandManager (RCM) feature.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.jmsClassDescriptionInstances of this exception are raised if a problem is detected in the RemoteCommandManager (RCM) feature.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.factoriesClassDescriptionPurpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.remoteClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.serverClassDescriptionPurpose: Concurrency deadlock or interupts will raise this exception.Purpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Purpose: Any exception raised by EclipseLink should be a subclass of this exception class.Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.transactionClassDescriptionPurpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.Exception handler can catch errors that occur on queries or during database access.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.transaction.glassfish
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.transaction.jboss
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.transaction.wildfly
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions used by org.eclipse.persistence.transaction.wls