
  • Autogeneration of software artefacts from core definitions is the predominant mode of software engineering today. Gone are the days when database structures, user interface and data base communication, and data-aware forms need to be handcrafted individually for each domain concept such as a 'loan'
  • RegPots brings these same autogeneration ideas to regulatory artefacts.
  • Pair a RegSeed with a RegPot and voilà! You get a fully functional RegPlatforms grounded in proven technologies, supported by a vast resource network – from skilled personnel to comprehensive libraries.
  • The Eclipse Free BIRD Tools project offers one free RegPot. This RegPot can auto-generate desktop applications (via mature Eclipse Technologies ) alternatives that could be produced are web-based applications (using the mature Python Django framework , Java Spring or Microsoft's code-first framework) . This empowers users to interact seamlessly with the data model and logic in a RegSeed and, by extension, with BIRD.
  • For example data storage is done using the mature Eclipse Ecore serialisation in the desktop application, with another RegPot such as one based on Python DJango it might be done with database Object Relational Mapping in a web application. These are frameworks that have been tested extensively through thorough use in many apps over many years, and have stable tools, and a large developer community.
  • You can see data storage and the other 6 services that are required for all regulatory applications in the image above.
  • Software vendors can craft their own RegPots, using free RegPots as a template to create configurations of their own existing tools matching the data model and logic describe in a RegSeed.