Application Interfaces

Application interfaces handle call-backs to incoming events via their methods, like onVehicleUpdated(), called by the application simulator. The following table lists all interfaces usable for application implementation, the type of unit as well as important other interfaces it implements. Interface specific public methods which have to be implemented by the user are listed in the “Provides” column. The elementary interface (Application) provides the methods onStartup(), onShutdown(). Implementation details are given in Development of applications.

Interface Applicable to Provides Description
Application / AbstractApplication all onStartup, onShutdown Elementary application class providing an operating system
ConfigurableApplication all Basic application class providing an operating system and a configuration, which automatically loaded from a JSON file.
CommunicationApplication all onMessageReceived, onAcknowledgementReceived, onCamBuilding, onMessageTransmitted All applications that implement some form of V2X communication are to implement this interface.
VehicleApplication vehicle onVehicleUpdated General vehicle funtionality
ElectricVehicleApplication vehicle onBatteryStateUpdated, onChargingRequestRejected Electric vehicle functionality
TrafficSignAwareApplication vehicle onTrafficSignInvalidated, onTrafficSignNoticed Used by vehicles which are aware of traffic signs.
TrafficLightApplication traffic light onTrafficLightGroupUpdated Traffic light functionality
TrafficManagementCenterApplication TMC onInductionLoopUpdated, onLaneAreaDetectorUpdated Traffic management functionality
MosaicApplication all onSumoTraciResponded, onInteractionReceived Features that involve customized RTI-interactions of MOSAIC

All interfaces can be found in the package*

For example, when implementing the VehicleApplication, your application is able to react on movements of the vehicle:

public class MyApplication extends AbstractApplication<VehicleOperatingSystem> 
                           implements VehicleApplication 

  public void onVehicleUpdated(VehicleData previous, VehicleData current) {


To create a Road Side Unit application which should react on incoming V2X messages, one need to implement the CommunicationApplication interface.

public class MyRsuApplication extends AbstractApplication<RoadSideUnitOperatingSystem> 
                              implements CommunicationApplication 

  public void onMessageReceived(ReceivedV2xMessage v2xMessage) {


Of course, you can also combine the interfaces with each other.