Download Eclipse MOSAIC

Download Eclipse MOSAIC from DCAITI mirror
  1. Download the bundle from the mirror above.
  2. Extract the package to an arbitrary path. This installation path is referenced as <mosaic-root> throughout the entire document.
  3. Install additional software required by the simulation (see below), e.g. Eclipse SUMO

Folder Content

└─ <mosaic-root>
   ├─ etc
   |   ├─ hosts.json .................. Configuration of the execution host, e.g. temporary directory.
   |   ├─ logback.xml ................. Configuration of log files and levels.
   |   └─ runtime.json ................ Configuration of all Ambassadors and Federates coupled with the MOSAIC
   ├─ lib ............................. Directory with all Java compiled libraries required for MOSAIC.
   ├─ logs ............................ Directory with log files.
   ├─ scenarios ....................... Directory containing all simulation scenarios.
   ├─ tools ........................... Additional tools, like the HTML Visualizer.
   ├─ LICENSE 
   ├─ mosaic.bat ...................... Start script for Windows systems.
   └─ ....................... Start script for GNU/Linux systems.

Additional Software

Each simulation with Eclipse MOSAIC requires additional software. As MOSAIC is written in JAVA, first, a JAVA runtime environment (JRE) needs to be installed for your operating system. Furthermore, each simulation requires additional simulators to be installed, for example the traffic simulation tool Eclipse SUMO or the communication simulators OMNeT++ / INET or ns-3.

The following table gives an overview of supported environments and simulators. Please make sure that you install those versions only.

Component Required Version
Java yes 10 and below
not supported
11, 17
above 18
not tested
Eclipse SUMO yes* 0.32.0 and below
not supported
1.0.1 - 1.20.0
above 1.20.0
not tested
OMNeT++ optional below 5.5
not supported
5.6 and above
not supported
INET optional below 4.1
not supported
4.2 and above
not supported
ns-3 optional below 3.36.1
not supported
above 3.36.1
not tested

All provided scenarios require SUMO to be installed. However, if a different traffic or vehicle simulator is coupled, SUMO is not necessarily required.

An Eclipse MOSAIC bundle is built with every commit on our main branch in our GitHub repository. You can access and download this distribution following this link.

Update Eclipse MOSAIC

In order to update Eclipse MOSAIC to a new version, please perform the following steps manually:

  • Backup your personal simulation scenarios from MOSAIC’s scenarios directory.
  • Remove your old MOSAIC installation completely.
  • Install MOSAIC by extracting the current binary archive from above.
  • Copy your simulation scenarios back to MOSAIC’s scenarios directory.
  • Take care of possible updates of the used software and simulators from third party (see the Compatibility Matrix above).