Mapping Ambassador Configuration

You can use a Readable Unit anywhere where you have the option of:

  • number or string

  • integer or string

📃 Corresponding configuration file: mapping/mapping_config.json


This schema describes the JSON file structure for the mapping configuration, which is used to define simulation entities.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
config config Object to define additional configuration options for the mapping No None None
prototypes prototype[] Array of prototypes, which can complete the definitions of other objects. This can be used to re-use certain configurations. All possible properties of objects are available. Only the ones needed will be used (for example an RSU does not have a length, so this property would be ignored). No None None
typeDistributions typeDistribution Object to define the distribution of prototypes to reuse in vehicle spawners. A typeDistribution is referenced by it’s attribute name, which can be set to any valid string. No None None
vehicles vehicle[] Array of vehicles to be spawned in the simulation. This property describes the vehicles populatingthe simulation. It is possible to create a single vehicle (maxNumberVehicles should be ‘1’ in that case) or a streamof one or multiple vehicles. The type(s) are defined in the field types. When more than one type is defined theweights in the prototype can be used to balance them against each other. No None None
matrixMappers matrixMapper[] Array of items to define additional traffic that will be spawned using OD-matrices. No None None
rsus rsu[] Array of Road Side Units (RSUs). For RSUs only applications can be defined along with the position. No None None
servers server[] Array of servers. Servers are a form of units that have no geographical location. The network properties of a server can be defined in the network.json-configuration in the cell-module. No None None
tmcs tmc[] Array of Traffic Management Centers (TMCs). TMCs are specialized forms of servers having direct access to data collected by induction loops and lane area detectors. The network properties of a TMC can be defined in the network.json-configuration in the cell-module. No None None
trafficLights trafficLights[] Array of prototypes for traffic lights. Since it is a traffic light only applications can be defined. Traffic light prototypes can be distributed among all traffic lights of an application by weight or assigned to specific traffic lights by using the ID of traffic light groups as reference. No None None
chargingStations chargingStation[] Array of electric vehicle charging stations. An infrastructure which provides one or several electric vehicle charging spots to supply electric energy for charging electric vehicles. No None None

Further property restrictions:


  • Type of each property: array


Object to define additional configuration options for the mapping


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
start string
Defines the point in time (in seconds) to start spawning vehicles. If not set (default), all vehicles will be spawned according to the vehicles configuration. No None None
end string
Defines the point in time (in seconds) to end spawning vehicles. If not set (default), all vehicles will be spawned according to the vehicles configuration or until the simulation ends. No None None
scaleTraffic number Scales the traffic by the given factor. E.g. 2.0 would double the number of spawned vehicles No [0, +$\infty$] 1
fixedOrder boolean Determines if the type selection of a spawning vehicle follows a fixed order or stochastic model. When set to true the spawning-process will choose exactly the same type order with every execution. When set to false (default) the order of types follows a stochastic manner and will be different each time depending on the set random seed, however, selected weights may be reached more slowly. No None false
adjustStartingTimes boolean If set to true and if the parameter start is set, the starting times of each spawner is adjusted accordingly, so that we shouldn’t wait in case that the simulation starting time and spawner starting time are widely spread out. All spawners before start will be completely ignored then. No None false
randomizeFlows boolean If set to true, all flow definitions defined by vehicle spawners with more than one vehicle resulting in slightly randomized departure times. The specified targetFlow of the vehicle spawner is kept. No None false
randomizeStartingTimes boolean If set to true, the starting times of all vehicle spawner definitions are randomized by +-60seconds. No None false
randomizeWeights boolean If set to true, the configured weights of all types are slightly randomized by +-1% of the sum of all weights. No None false


Object to define a prototype, which can complete the definitions of other objects. This can be used to re-use certain configurations. All possible properties of objects are available. Only the ones needed will be used (for example an RSU does not have a length, so this property would be ignored).


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
name string The name of this prototype is used to match it against other objects. ✓ Yes None None
group string The group name is used for (statistical) evaluation purposes with the StatisticOutput and ITEF. It allows to summarize multiple prototype entities. No None None
color string The color of the vehicle for visualization purposes. No None None
accel number Acceleration in m/s^2. No (0, +$\infty$] None
decel number Deceleration in m/s^2. No (0, +$\infty$] None
length string
Length of the vehicle. If defined as a number, then the default unit is m. Alternatively this can be defined as a string to specify the unit of measurement (e.g. ‘500 cm’). No (0, +$\infty$] None
maxSpeed string
Maximal speed. If defined as a number, then the default unit is m/s. Alternatively this can be defined as a string to include the unit of measurement (e.g. ‘50 kmh’). No None None
speedFactor number The speed factor of the vehicle to apply to speed limits. E.g., with a value of 1.1 the vehicle would exceed the speed limit of an edge by 10 percent. No [0, +$\infty$] None
minGap string
Distance in meter between front bumper of a vehicle and the back bumper of its leader in a traffic jam. If defined as a number, then the default unit is m. Alternatively this can be defined as a string to include the unit of measurement (e.g. ‘300 cm’). No (0, +$\infty$] None
sigma number Driver imperfection. This is a parameter of the car-following model. No [0, 1] None
tau number Driver reaction time in seconds. This is a parameter of the car-following model. No [0, +$\infty$] None
weight number The weight is used to distribute objects between multiple types. All weights do NOT have to add up to 1 or 100. (Example: A vehicle spawner defining a traffic stream contains two prototypeDeserializers with the weights being 4 and 6. The resulting traffic stream will consist to 40% of the one type and 60% of the other) No [0, +$\infty$] None
deviations deviations Object to define a standard deviation of single parameters of a specific prototype. For each spawned vehicle, a variation of the prototype will be generated, if at least one of the following parameters is larger than 0. No None None
laneChangeMode string Predefined modes adjusting the lane change behavior. No Enum None
speedMode string Predefined modes adjusting the speed appliance behavior. No Enum None
vehicleClass string Class of the vehicle. The classes are used in lane definitions and allow/disallow the use of lanes for certain vehicle types (e.g. a taxi lane). No Enum None
applications string[] The applications to be used for this object. No None None

Further property restrictions:


  • Allowed values:
    • OFF


  • Allowed values:
    • NORMAL


  • Allowed values:
    • Unknown
    • Car
    • LightGoodsVehicle
    • HeavyGoodsVehicle
    • PublicTransportVehicle
    • EmergencyVehicle
    • WorksVehicle
    • ExceptionalSizeVehicle
    • VehicleWithTrailer
    • HighSideVehicle
    • MiniBus
    • Taxi
    • ElectricVehicle
    • AutomatedVehicle
    • Bicycle
    • Motorcycle
    • HighOccupancyVehicle

Prototype Parameter Deviations

Object to define a standard deviation of single parameters of a specific prototype. For each spawned vehicle, a variation of the prototype will be generated, if at least one of the following parameters is larger than 0.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
length number The standard deviation to apply on the length of the prototype. No [0, +$\infty$] None
width number The standard deviation to apply on the width of the prototype. No [0, +$\infty$] None
height number The standard deviation to apply on the height of the prototype. No [0, +$\infty$] None
minGap number The standard deviation to apply on the minimum gap of the prototype. No [0, +$\infty$] None
maxSpeed number The standard deviation to apply on the maximum speed of the prototype. No [0, +$\infty$] None
speedFactor number The standard deviation to apply on the speed factor of the prototype. No [0, +$\infty$] None
accel number The standard deviation to apply on the acceleration value of the prototype. No [0, +$\infty$] None
decel number The standard deviation to apply on the deceleration value of the prototype. No [0, +$\infty$] None
tau number The standard deviation to apply on the desired headway time (tau) of the prototype. No [0, +$\infty$] None


Object to define the distribution of prototypes to reuse in vehicle spawners. A typeDistribution is referenced by it’s attribute name, which can be set to any valid string.

The following additional properties are allowed:


Object to define vehicles to be spawned in the simulation. This property describes the vehicles populating the simulation. It is possible to create a single vehicle (maxNumberVehicles should be ‘1’ in that case) or a stream of one or multiple vehicles. The types (or type) are defined in the field types. When more than one type is defined the weights in the prototype can be used to balance them against each other.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
startingTime string
Time in seconds at which the first vehicle will be created. No None None
maxTime string
Simulation time in seconds at which no more vehicles will be created. No None None
targetFlow number Density of vehicles per hour. Vehicles will be spawned uniformly. No [0, +$\infty$] 600
maxNumberVehicles number Maximum number of vehicles to be created from this source. No [0, +$\infty$] None
departSpeed string
The speed at which the vehicle is supposed to depart. If defined as a number, then the default unit is m/s. Alternatively this can be defined as a string to include the unit of measurement (e.g. ‘10 kmh’). Depending on the simulator this value may only be used if departSpeedMode is set to PRECISE. No None None
departSpeedMode string The depart speed mode determines the vehicle’s speed at insertion. No Enum MAXIMUM
laneSelectionMode string The lane selection mode chooses the lane for the next departing vehicle. No Enum DEFAULT
spawningMode string Adjusts the departure time of individual vehicles. No Enum CONSTANT
departConnectionIndex number The index of the connection of the route where the vehicle will start on. No [0, +$\infty$] 0
pos number Position within the connection of the route where the vehicle(s) should be spawned. No [0, +$\infty$] 0
route string Route that the vehicle(s) should use. If an origin and a destination are specified this route will be treated as a preference (i.e. it will be selected if it connects the two points in question). No None None
lanes number[] Array of numbers to define the lanes to be used. The vehicles will be evenly distributed among the given lanes. When no value is given lane zero will be used for all vehicles. No None None
types prototype[1-*] List of possible vehicle types to be spawned. In this list you can simply refer to an existing prototype by its name attribute to include everything defined there. You can also overwrite every attribute of the prototype. If you don’t have an existing prototype the definitions found here will be used as the prototype definition itself. No None None
typeDistribution string Identifier of the typeDistribution which defines the distribution of vehicle types. No None None
destination geoCircle Object to define an immutable pair of a geoPoint center position and a radius in meters. ✓ Yes None None
origin geoCircle Object to define an immutable pair of a geoPoint center position and a radius in meters. ✓ Yes None None

Further property restrictions:


  • Allowed values:
    • RANDOM


  • Allowed values:
    • RANDOM
    • FREE
    • BEST
    • FIRST


  • Allowed values:
    • GROW
    • SHRINK


Object to define an immutable pair of a geoPoint center position and a radius in meters.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
center geoPoint Object to define geographical point coordinates. ✓ Yes None None
radius number Radius of the circle. ✓ Yes [0, +$\infty$] None


Object to define geographical point coordinates.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
longitude number East-west position of a point on earth. ✓ Yes [-180, 180] None
latitude number North-south position of a point on earth. ✓ Yes [-90, 90] None


Object to define a mapper for an Origin-Destination (OD) matrix. The mapper contains a list of points (with varying radius) and a matrix (arrays) of flow values. It creates a series of conventional vehicles spawners from the specified data.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
points odPoint[] Array of odPoints that can be referenced from the OD-matrix. ✓ Yes None None
types prototype[] Array of prototypes to define the vehicles that should be spawned. No None None
odValues array[] Values for the OD-matrix. Unit should be vehicles/hour. ✓ Yes None None
startingTime string
Time in seconds at which the first vehicle will be created. No None None
maxTime string
Simulation time in seconds at which no more vehicles will be created. No None None
departSpeedMode string The depart speed mode determines the vehicle’s speed at insertion. No Enum MAXIMUM
laneSelectionMode string The lane selection mode chooses the lane for the next departing vehicle. No Enum DEFAULT

Further property restrictions:


  • Allowed values:
    • RANDOM


  • Allowed values:
    • RANDOM
    • FREE
    • BEST
    • FIRST


Object to define a point that can be referenced from an OD-matrix.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
name string The name of the point. This identifier is used to reference the odPoint. ✓ Yes None None
position geoCircle Object to define an immutable pair of a geoPoint center position and a radius in meters. ✓ Yes None None


Object to define a Road Side Unit (RSU). For RSUs only applications can be defined along with the position.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
position geoPoint Object to define geographical point coordinates. ✓ Yes None None
name string Used to be matched with a prototype. If a prototype name matches this name, all properties not set in this object will be overwritten by those defined in the prototype. No None None
group string The group name is used for (statistical) evaluation purposes with the StatisticOutput and ITEF. It allows to summarize multiple rsu entities. No None None
applications string[] Array of strings that specifies the applications to be used for this object. If none are specified, none are used No None None


Object to define a server. Servers are a form of units that have no geographical location. The network properties of a server can be defined in the network.json-configuration in the cell-module.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
name string Used to be matched with a prototype. If a prototype name matches this name, all properties not set in this object will be overwritten by those defined in the prototype. No None None
group string The group name is used to match with configurations in the network.json-configuration in the cell-module. No None None
applications string[] The applications to be used for this object. If none are specified, none are used. No None None


Object to define a Traffic Management Center (TMCs). TMCs are specialized forms of server directly communicating with induction loops and lane area detectors. The network properties of a TMC can be defined in the network.json-configuration in the cell-module.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
name string Used to be matched with a prototype. If a prototype name matches this name, all properties not set in this object will be overwritten by those defined in the prototype. No None None
group string The group name is used to match with configurations in the network.json-configuration in the cell-module. No None None
applications string[] The applications to be used for this object. If none are specified, none are used. No None None
inductionLoops string[] The induction loops the TMC shall be matched with. If none are specified, none are used. No None None
laneAreaDetectors string[] The lane area detectors the TMC shall be matched with. If none are specified, none are used. No None None


Object to define a prototype for a traffic light. Since it is a traffic light only applications can be defined. Traffic light prototypes can be distributed among all traffic lights of an application by weight or assigned to specific traffic lights by using the ID of traffic light groups as reference.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
name string Used to be matched with a prototype. If a prototype name matches this name, all properties not set in this object will be overwritten by those defined in the prototype. No None None
tlGroupId string The ID of a traffic light group. This property is used to map applications to specific traffic lights. No None None
group string The group name is used for (statistical) evaluation purposes with the StatisticOutput and ITEF. It allows to summarize multiple trafficLights entities. No None None
weight number The weight is used to distribute traffic lights between multiple default types. If tlGroupId is not set, then the default value is 1, otherwise 0. All weights do NOT have to add up to 1 or 100. No [0, +$\infty$] None
applications string[] The applications to be used for this object. If none are specified, none are used No None None


Object to define an electric vehicle charging station. An infrastructure which provides one or several electric vehicle charging spots to supply electric energy for charging electric vehicles.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
position geoPoint Object to define geographical point coordinates. ✓ Yes None None
group string The group name is used for (statistical) evaluation purposes with the StatisticOutput and ITEF. It allows to summarize multiple chargingStation entities. No None None
name string Used to be matched with a prototype. If a prototype name matches this name, all properties not set in this object will be overwritten by those defined in the prototype. No None None
chargingSpots chargingSpot[] List of the electric vehicle charging spots associated with this electric vehicle charging station. ✓ Yes None None
applications string[] The application to be used for this object. No None None


Object to define an electric vehicle charging spot.


Type Description Required Boundaries Default
chargingType string The type of this electric vehicle charging spot. ✓ Yes Enum None
maxVoltage number Maximum voltage available at this charging spot. ✓ Yes [0, +$\infty$] None
maxCurrent number Maximum current available at this charging spot. ✓ Yes [0, +$\infty$] None

Further property restrictions:


  • Allowed values:
    • AC_1_PHASE
    • AC_3_PHASE
    • DC