Network Simulator ns-3

As the successor of the well-known Network Simulator 2, ns-3 is a discrete-event communication simulator for Internet systems, wireless networks and more. In connection with Eclipse MOSAIC, especially the IEEE 802.11(p) capabilities are employed for Ad-hoc communication.

Operating system GNU/Linux (recommended), FreeBSD, macOS, Microsoft Windows (with WSL or Docker)
Written in C++ (core) and Python (bindings)
License Free software: GNU GPLv2
Supported version(s) 3.36.1
Dependencies libprotobuf 3.3.0


ns-3 is primarily developed on and for GNU/Linux platforms.

On other platforms like Windows you should consider

For more information on how to set up ns-3 with Eclipse MOSAIC, please just refer to the following section. We prepared an installation script, which manages most of the required work.


For ns3 on GNU/Linux platforms, the requirements to run basic simulations are a gcc or clang compiler and a Python interpreter. For a complete list of required packages for different distributions, please refer to the ns-3 installation guide: You most probably need the following packages to be installed:


For the ns3 installation script please make sure the following programs and libraries are installed:


Watch out that the protobuf-compiler and libprotobuf-dev versions have to match.

Run the installation script

ns-3 requires several packages to be installed on your computer. You will need to ensure, that all required libraries are present on your system before proceeding. You may need superuser permissions to install packages.

To ease the installation of ns-3 for Eclipse MOSAIC, the installation process has been delegated to an installation script, called that can be found in the associated ns-3 federate folder.

└─ mosaic/bin/fed/
   └─ ns3
      ├─ ................... Dockerfile for ns-3 federate
      └─ ................ Installation script for ns-3

The ns-3 installation script accomplishes the following tasks:

  1. Download ns-3 tarball from the official sources
  2. Download the ns-3 federate for Eclipse MOSAIC.
  3. Apply a patch to ns-3 in order to make it work with Eclipse MOSAIC.
  4. Add the ns-3 federate to the waf build system.
  5. Configure and build the patched ns-3 with the ns-3 federate. (Watch out that premake will throw fatal error: ns3/application.h: No such file or directory but the installation is successful anyways.)

In order to start the simulation, the following steps need to be performed:

  1. Set up the ns3_federate_config.xml-file in the scenario folder (see section Configuration). An example ns3_federate_config.xml - file is shipped with the Tiergarten scenario.
  2. Don’t forget to enable ns-3 in the scenario_config.json of your specific scenario, and the simulation can be started.

Using the installer script will reinstall (rebuild) ns-3 and the federate because it is designed for a user environment and not for federate development. Read here for futher information on how to set up a development environment for the ns-3 federate

Use NS-3 federate on Windows with WSL

WSL, or “Windows Subsystem for Linux”, provides an environment for Windows users to run Linux based applications. With WSL, it is possible to use the ns-3 federate, which is currently only compatible with Linux systems, in a Windows environment.

  • If not yet done, setup a WSL environment with a Ubuntu distribution. This environment must be the default WSL environment.
  • Install the prerequisites like described above.
  • In Windows, open the terminal in the bin/fed/ns3 directory of your MOSAIC installation.
  • Call wsl.exe ./

Installation in Docker environment

This guide gives instructions to execute the ns-3 federate inside a docker container. If you already installed ns-3 on your machine following the steps before, you can skip this section.

Docker is a new approach to execute software. More precisely, it “wraps software in a complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run: code, runtime, system tools, and system libraries”. As a result, the software is executed within a container and its execution does not rely on the environment the container is running in.

In context of Eclipse MOSAIC, this approach allows to execute ns-3 within a docker container. The user does not need to manually install ns-3 and can even run ns-3 on Windows hosts.

  1. Install Docker ≥ 1.13 on your machine.
  2. To get everything to work, please make sure to execute the following steps depending on your operating system:
    • Windows - In the settings, share the drive where Eclipse MOSAIC is installed on. You may need to restart docker in the reset tab.
    • Linux - Make sure your user account belongs to the unix-group docker. You may need to restart your machine.
  3. Switch to the location of the Dockerfile in <mosaic>/bin/fed/ns3
  4. Execute the following command on command line: docker build -t ns3-federate .
    This could take a while to finish.
  5. Enter the name of the docker image etc/runtime.json in the ns3-section into the property dockerImage. Eclipse MOSAIC will then start the docker container for you. If you try to run the docker container independently it will fail on startup, because the configuration files in the folder scratch are missing.
"federates": [
      "id": "ns3",
      "dockerImage": "ns3-federate",

You can test the installation of your docker image with the Tiergarten scenario, by activating ns3 in the scenario_config.json.

If MOSAIC cannot open a connection to the federate, try to add the option to the java call in the file on Linux, or in the mosaic.bat file on Windows.


The whole ns-3 specific configuration is done via the files ns3_config.json and ns3_federate_config.xml in the scenario folder.

└─ <scenario_name>
   └─ ns3
      ├─ ns3_config.json ................. Ambassador configuration file.
      └─ ns3_federate_config.xml ......... Federate configuration file.

The ns3_config.json mainly allows the configuration of a filter for different message routing options employed in the ambassador. The current integration of ns-3 does not support all combinations (e.g. no TCP is possible for ad-hoc communication). Accordingly, changes in this config would require adaptions in the ns-3 integration as well and are therefore only recommended developers not for users.

The ns3_federate_config.xml allows the configuration of all modules in the IEEE 802.11(p) communication stack of ns-3. The ns-3 propagation module defines two generic interfaces, namely PropagationLossModel and PropagationDelayModel, for the modelling of propagation loss respectively propagation delay.

In the default ns3_federate_config.xml, the Wi-Fi device uses the ns-3 standard propagation delay model ns3::ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel and the ns-3 standard propagation loss model ns3::FriisPropagationLossModel. Radio propagation models in ns-3 can easily be exchanged with the ns-3 class registration system (see the ns-3 documentation for details). The Wi-Fi configuration includes additional parameters, like sending power and antenna gain.