Configuring the Eclipse Amlen ResourceAdapter object

The ResourceAdapter object encapsulates the global properties of the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter.

The Eclipse Amlen resource adapter RAR file contains a file that is called META-INF/ra.xml, which contains a deployment descriptor for the resource adapter. This deployment descriptor is defined by the XML schema at and contains information about the resource adapter and the services that it provides.

Complete the following steps to configure the Eclipse Amlen ResourceAdapter by using the WebSphere® Application Server panels. These instructions assume that the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter is installed.
  1. Log on to the WebSphere Application Server administrative console.
  2. Click Resources > Resource Adapters > Resource adapters.
  3. Click the IBM WIoTP Message Gateway Resource Adapter link.
  4. Click the Custom properties link in the Additional Properties panel. You can then edit the properties of the Eclipse Amlen ResourceAdapter object.
  5. Click Save to save your changes.
The following table lists the properties of the ResourceAdapter object:
Table 1. Properties of the ResourceAdapter object.
Name of property Type Default value Description
defaultTraceLevel String 41 Specifies the level of detail that is provided in Eclipse Amlen JMS client and resource adapter output. The value can be in the range 0 - 9.
dynamicTraceEnabled String false Specifies whether WebSphere Application Server trace level settings are used for trace messages. When dynamicTraceEnabled is set to true, trace levels can be adjusted at run time by using WebSphere diagnostic log and trace level settings. When dynamicTraceEnabled is set to true, the settings for defaultTraceLevel in the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter and for traceLevel in J2C connection factories and J2C activation specifications are ignored.

The advantage of using dynamic trace is that it allows the trace level to be turned up or down while applications are running. The advantage of using the default Eclipse Amlen trace is that it allows different trace levels to be set for individual activation specifications and connection factories.

For more information about configuring runtime trace settings for WebSphere Application Server, see Enabling trace on a running server. For more information about configuring WebSphere Application Server trace settings at server startup time, see Enabling trace at server startup.

Specifies the level of detail that is provided in Eclipse Amlen JMS client and resource adapter output. The value can be in the range 0 - 9.

You can use the Eclipse Amlen trace filter to see Eclipse Amlen trace in the WebSphere Application Server trace output file. View the supported trace levels by using the following trace filters:
  • To view informational Eclipse Amlen (trace level 4) output, use: MessageSight=info
  • To view detailed Eclipse Amlen (trace level 7) output, use: MessageSight=detail
  • To view all Eclipse Amlen (trace level 9) output, use: MessageSight=all
Note: If you change the value for dynamicTraceEnabled, you must stop and restart the WebSphere Application Server for the new setting to take effect. The run time capabilities are available only if dynamicTraceEnabled is set to true when the server is started.
traceFile String stdout Specifies the file that is used to provide Eclipse Amlen JMS client trace and resource adapter trace output. The value can be stdout, stderr, or the path to a file.
  1. At level 0, there is no trace and at level 9 there is a detailed debug trace. As the trace level is increased, more trace is shown. Using trace levels of 5 or lower should not affect performance and result in a small amount of trace, including stack traces for all exceptions. Use trace levels of 6 to 9 for debugging. Using higher log levels can result in a large amount of trace output, which can affect performance.