Create or update an MQ SSL Certificate


Create or update the MQ SSL certificate. Before the MQ SSL certificate can be created, the MQ Connectivity key database file and stash password file must be copied to Eclipse Amlen. The MQ Connectivity key database file and stash password file are used to secure connections between IBM® MQ and Eclipse Amlen.


Use the Eclipse Amlen REST API POST method with the following Eclipse Amlen configuration URI:


Object configuration data

Provide object configuration data in the payload of the POST method by using the following schema. Content-type is set to application/json:

  "MQCertificate": {"MQSSLKey":"string","MQStashPassword":"string", "Overwrite": true|false}
Required if you are creating the MQ SSL certificate.
Specifies the name of the key database file.
Required if you are creating the MQ SSL certificate.
Specifies the name of the password stash file.
Overwrite: true|false
Specifies whether an existing certificate and key are overwritten if they have the same name.
The default value is false which means that an existing key database file and password stash file are not overwritten if they have the same name.

Usage Notes®

  • You must copy the key database file and stash password file to the server before you can apply them to Eclipse Amlen. You can copy the files by using the Eclipse Amlen REST API PUT method.
  • You can copy only one key database file and one stash password file. If you want to use another file, you must overwrite the existing file.
  • To use the new or updated MQ SSL certificate, restart the MQ Connectivity process.

Related Commands


Creates an MQ SSL certificate. The MQ key database file that is being used is called MyMQSSLKeyfile_201603016.kdb. The stash password file that is being used is called MyMQStashPasswordFile_201603016.sth.

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
  -d '{
         "MQSSLKey": "MyMQSSLKeyfile_201603016.kdb",
         "MQStashPassword": "MyMQStashPasswordFile_201603016.sth"
  ' \