Show configuration details of a destination mapping rule


Shows the configuration details of a specified destination mapping rule.


To view configuration information about all destination mapping rules, use the Eclipse Amlen REST API GET method with the following Eclipse Amlen configuration URI:


Object configuration data

To view configuration information about a specific destination mapping rule, use the Eclipse Amlen REST API GET method with the following Eclipse Amlen configuration URI:


Specifies the name of the destination mapping rule that you want to view the configuration details of.

Usage NotesĀ®

  • The command must be capitalized as shown.


Shows the details of the destination mapping rule exampleDestinationMappingRule:

The following example shows a GET method to display configuration details of a destination mapping rule called "MyDestinationMappingRule" by using cURL:

 curl -X GET           

The following example shows a successful example response to the GET method that was used to display configuration details of a destination mapping rule called "MyDestinationMappingRule" :

  "DestinationMappingRule": {
    "MyDestinationMappingRule": {
      "QueueManagerConnection": "exampleQMC",
      "RuleType": 1,
      "Source": "/ISMRoot/Level1",
      "Destination": "Queue1",
      "MaxMessages": 6000,
      "Enabled": True,
      "RetainedMessages": True           
  • NameOfDestinationMappingRule
    Specifies the name of the destination mapping rule.
  • QueueManagerConnection
    Specifies the name of one or more queue manager connections. The queue manager connections identify which queue managers the rule maps to. If there is more than one queue manager connection a comma-separated list is displayed.
  • Enabled=true|false
    Specifies whether the rule is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
  • RuleType
    Specifies the rule type that you want to use. For more information about the values that you can use, see Configuring destination mapping rules.
  • Source
    Specifies the source topic string or queue for the rule.
  • Destination
    Specifies the destination topic string or queue for the rule.
  • MaxMessages
    Specifies the maximum number of messages that can be buffered for the destination mapping rule.
    This option is valid only for destination mapping rules from Eclipse Amlen topics to IBM MQ. That is, rule types 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7.
  • RetainedMessages
    Specifies which messages are forwarded as to a topic as retained messages.
    This parameter overrides the retained message setting of the original message publisher.
    This option is only valid for destination mapping rules that forward messages to a topic or topic subtree.
    This value can be one of the following values:
    • All
      All messages are forwarded to the topic as retained messages.
    • None
      No messages are forwarded to the topic as retained messages.