Stop MQ connectivity


Stops the Eclipse Amlen MQ Connectivity process.


Use the Eclipse Amlen REST API POST method with the following Eclipse Amlen service URI:


Object configuration data

Provide MQ connectivity object configuration data in the payload of the POST method by using the following schema. Content-type is set to application/json:


Usage NotesĀ®

  • When the MQ Connectivity process is stopped, the durable subscriptions that are used to receive published messages remain active. Therefore, any messages that are published while the MQ Connectivity process is stopped are delivered as soon as the process is restarted. As the messages are buffered, the maximum messages limit of the destination mapping rules might be reached. This limit prevents publishers from sending any more messages. If you do not want this behavior, or if you are stopping the MQ Connectivity process for a long time, disable all the destination mapping rules before you stop the process. For more information about disabling destination mapping rules, see Create or update a destination mapping rule.


Stops the MQ Connectivity process:

The following example uses cURL to stop the MQ Connectivity process:

curl -X POST \   
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \   
  -d  '{     
An example response to the POST method:

  "Version": "v1",
  "Code": "CWLNA6011",
  "Message": "The requested configuration change has completed successfully."