The “things-search” service takes care of:

  • updating an optimized search index of Things based on the events emitted by the things and policies services when entities are changed there
  • executing search queries against the search index in order to find out which Things match a given search


The things-search service has no model (entity) by its own, but uses the model of things and policies services.

It however contains a model which can transform an RQL search query into a Java domain model which is defined here:


Other services can communicate with the things-search service via:

  • commands: containing commands and command responses which are processed by this service


The Things-Search service maintains its own persistence in which it stores Things in an optimized way in order to provide a full search on arbitrary Thing data.

Things-Search creates the following MongoDB collections:

  • searchThings: The search index.
  • searchThingsSyncThings: A single-document capped collection containing the instant until which Thing events are indexed for sure; expected to be 30 minutes before the current time.
  • searchThingsSyncPolicies: A single-document capped collection containing the instant until which Policy events are indexed for sure; expected to be 30 minutes before the current time.

Migration from Ditto 0.9.0-M1

The index schema has changed since Ditto version 0.9.0-M1. Data migration is obligatory to upgrade an existing installation running Ditto version 0.9.0-M1 or earlier. Expected duration of data migration is 1/60th of the lifetime of the Ditto installation.

  1. After stopping the cluster of Ditto 0.9.0-M1, drop unnecessary collections:
  2. Before starting the upgraded Ditto cluster, write into searchThingsSyncThings the timestamp when the Ditto cluster started for the first time:
    var startingTimestamp = new Date(TIMESTAMP-WHEN-DITTO-CLUSTER-STARTED-FOR-THE-FIRST-TIME); // e.g. new Date('2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z')
  3. Start the upgraded Ditto cluster. All Thing events persisted after the timestamp in searchThingsSyncThings will be indexed in the background.