Messages within the Ditto Protocol allow sending, receiving and responding to Messages. They contain an arbitrary payload, so you can choose what content fits your solution best. If you want to learn more about the basic concepts of the Messages functionality, please have a look at the Messages page.

Messages protocol

The Messages protocol is part of the Ditto Protocol and therefore conforms to its specification. This section describes how the protocol envelope can be filled for sending Messages. If you want to jump right into using the API, head over to the next section that describes how to use the messages API.

There are three protocol parameters that have special meaning for Messages:

  • topic : {namespace}/{thingId}/things/live/messages/{messageSubject}
  • path : {addressedPartOfThing}/{mailbox}/messages/{messageSubject}
  • headers : The headers for Messages must include content-type

The topic definition for Messages needs the namespace and thingId of the Thing you’re sending Messages to. The messageSubject describes the Message and must conform to the path as described in RFC-3986. Examples for valid topics are:

  • org.eclipse.ditto/smartcoffee/things/live/messages/ask/question
  • com.example/smarthome/things/live/messages/turnoff

The path also contains the messageSubject that describes the Message. mailbox can be inbox (Message is sent to a Thing) or outbox (Message is sent from a Thing). The addressedPartOfThing tells which part of the Thing is addressed. /features/water-tank would address the water-tank Feature of the Thing, while `` would address the whole Thing. Valid paths are e.g.:

  • /inbox/messages/ask/question
  • /features/lights/inbox/messages/turnoff
  • /features/smokedetector/outbox/messages/smokedetected

In the headers of the envelope the Messages API requires:

  • content-type : The type of the payload you are sending, e.g. text/plain

Using the Messages API

The following parts contain examples that will show you how to leverage the Messages API. In the examples we will use some kind of smart coffee machine with the id smartcoffee.

Sending a Message to a Thing

When sending a Message to a Thing, we send it to the inbox of the receiving entity.
What follows is a simple example Message that asks our Thing smartcoffee how it is feeling today:

    "topic": "org.eclipse.ditto/smartcoffee/things/live/messages/ask",
    "headers": {
        "content-type": "text/plain",
        "correlation-id": "a-unique-string-for-this-message"
    "path": "/inbox/messages/ask",
    "value": "Hey, how are you?"

Notice that our topic adheres to the Ditto Protocol topic definition with messages as the criterion, live as channel, and the message-subject as action.

We encourage you to always send a correlation-id with your Messages. This is especially important, since the WebSocket Ditto Protocol binding sends messages in a fire-and-forget manner. Ditto wouldn’t know who to respond to if there was no correlation-id set in the Message.

The response we would get from our coffee machine could look something like this:

    "topic": "org.eclipse.ditto/smartcoffee/things/live/messages/ask",
    "headers": {
        "correlation-id": "a-unique-string-for-this-message",
        "auth-subjects": ["ditto", "nginx:ditto"],
        "content-type": "text/plain",
        "version": 1,
    "path": "/inbox/messages/ask",
    "value": "I do not know, since i am only a coffee machine.",
    "status": 418

The answer of the coffee machine has the same topic and correlation-id as the original message. As we can see, the response does not only contain a value but also the status of the response which is based on the HTTP status codes. Notice, that the path of the Message has changed from inbox to outbox, which means the Message was sent from the Thing. Ditto automatically added some headers that we can ignore for now.

Receiving a message

To be able to show how to receive Messages, we need to use one of the provided Ditto Protocol bindings. We will use the WebSocket binding for now. With it, it is amazingly easy to receive Messages sent to or from Things. You only need to fulfill these three simple requirements:

  1. Having an open connection to the Ditto WebSocket
  2. Having sent the WebSocket binding specific message START-SEND-MESSAGES to the WebSocket to be able to retrieve Messages
  3. You are allowed (authorized) to receive Messages

If we have a user ditto that has READ permission on smartcoffee, we could receive Messages for it using a local Ditto instance using simple JavaScript:

// connect to the WebSocket
var websocket = new WebSocket('ws://ditto:ditto@localhost:8080/ws/1');
websocket.onmessage(function(message) {
    console.log('received message data: ' +;
websocket.onopen(function(ws) {
    // register for receiving messages

If we would send the Message described in Sending a Message to a Thing to the WebSocket, our JavaScript receiver would receive the following data:

    "topic": "org.eclipse.ditto/smartcoffee/things/live/messages/ask",
    "headers": {
        "correlation-id": "demo-6qaal9l",
        "auth-subjects": ["ditto", "nginx:ditto"],
        "content-type": "text/plain",
        "version": 1
    "path": "/inbox/messages/ask",
    "value": "Hey, how are you?"

The content is almost the same, except for automatically added headers that we can ignore. In the next part you can learn how to respond to this Message.

Responding to a Message

After sending a Message to a Thing and receiving the Message, we are able to respond to the Message we received. To do this, we can re-use the relevant Message contents and change the type from incoming to outgoing. Here is a simple JavaScript function that shows how you could respond to a given Message. It takes the original Message, the response payload and status code and returns the response Message you can send using a Ditto Protocol binding.

createTextResponse = function(originalMessage, payload, statusCode) {
    var topic = originalMessage.topic;
    var correlationId = originalMessage.headers["correlation-id"];
    var outboxPath = originalMessage.path.replace("inbox", "outbox");
    return {
      "topic": topic,
      "headers": {
          "correlation-id": correlationId,
          "content-type": "text/plain"
      "path": outboxPath,
      "status": statusCode,
      "value": payload

With this method you could create a simple text response, and send it using e.g. the WebSocket binding. Since the original Message and the response Message have the same correlation-id, the issuer would receive your response:

    "topic": "org.eclipse.ditto/smartcoffee/things/live/messages/ask",
    "headers": {
        "correlation-id": "demo-6qaal9l",
        "auth-subjects": ["ditto", "nginx:ditto"],
        "content-type": "text/plain",
        "version": 1
    "path": "/inbox/messages/ask",
    "status": 418,
    "value": "I don't know since i am only a coffee machine"

Talking to Features

When sending Messages to or from Features, almost everything stays the same as with Things. The path in the JSON and an additional feature-id header are the only parts to change. A Message to a Feature could therefore have the following JSON:

    "topic": "org.eclipse.ditto/smartcoffee/things/live/messages/heatUp",
    "headers": {
        "content-type": "text/plain",
        "correlation-id": "a-unique-string-for-this-message"
    "path": "/features/water-tank/inbox/messages/heatUp",
    "value": "47"

Sending and handling Claim Messages

Claim Messages are handled like standard Messages with the difference that the message subject is claim and they can only be sent to a Thing. As the purpose of claiming is to gain access to a Thing, you do not require WRITE permission to send a Claim Message to a Thing. This however means for a receiver that incoming Claim Messages have to be carefully verified before granting access to a Thing.

A Claim Message to gain access to our smart coffee machine might look like this:

    "topic": "org.eclipse.ditto/smartcoffee/things/live/messages/claim",
    "headers": {
        "content-type": "text/plain",
        "correlation-id": "a-unique-string-for-this-claim-message"
    "path": "/inbox/messages/claim",
    "value": "some-claiming-secret"

After verifying the Message, in particular the correctness of the payload, the smart coffee machine could grant access to the issuer by setting an additional permission and respond with a status of 200 or 204 (as you can see the path changed to outbox and the direction is now from, same as above for the Thing Message):

    "topic": "org.eclipse.ditto/smartcoffee/things/live/messages/claim",
    "headers": {
        "content-type": "text/plain",
        "correlation-id": "a-unique-string-for-this-claim-message"
    "path": "/inbox/messages/claim",
    "status": 204

In case the Claim Message does not contain the required information the smart coffee machine can reject the claim request by NOT granting access and responding with a status different from 200 or 204.

Tags: protocol