You can integrate your solutions with Ditto

On all APIs Ditto protects functionality and data by using

  • Authentication to make sure the requester is the one he/she claims to be,
  • Authorization to make sure the requester is allowed to see, use or change the information he wants to access.


User authentication at the HTTP API

A user who calls the HTTP API can be authenticated using two mechanisms:

Authenticated subjects

Every request to one of Ditto’s API is done in scope of already authenticated subjects.
This authentication may be provided via nginx (like mentioned above), a JWT or in a connection via the configured authorizationContext in scope of the connection’s authorization.

For each of the possibilities of authenticating subjects, the command or message processed by Ditto will contain one or more of the “authenticated subjects” which e.g. might be user IDs.

Single sign-on (SSO)

By configuring an arbitrary OpenID Connect provider (as mentioned above) it is possible for Ditto to participate in SSO for the following browser based requests:

  • HTTP API invocations
    • sending along a JWT token as Authorization header with Bearer value
  • Establishing a WebSocket connection for bidirectional communication with Ditto via Ditto Protocol JSON messages
    • sending along a JWT token as Authorization header with Bearer value (recommended)
    • sending along a JWT token as query parameter access_token (use only if the websocket client does not support setting http headers e.g. plain WebSocket API of browsers)
  • Opening a Server sent event connection in order to receive change notifications of twins in the browser
    • passing the withCredentials: true option when creating the SSE in the browser


Authorization is implemented with a Policy (in API version 2).

Please find details at Policies.

Authorization Context in DevOps Commands

An authorizationContext which is passed to DevOps Commands needs to be a subject known to Ditto’s authentication. In the simplest case, it’s nginx:{username} where {username} is a user that is configured for basic auth in the included nginx’s nginx.htpasswd file (where the nginx: prefix comes from).

If you are using the provided docker quickstart example from Getting Started you can simply use nginx:ditto, then the commands that are passed from the connection are executed as if they were issued via HTTP from the user ditto.

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