The Ditto team provides a sandbox which may be used by everyone wanting to try out Ditto without starting it locally.

In addition, the following vendors offer free trial accounts for their Eclipse Ditto compatible products:


As Ditto makes use of OAuth2.0 in order to authenticate users the sandbox contains a “sign in with Google” functionality. Ditto accepts the id_token which is issued by Google as Bearer token on authentication.

HTTP API documentation

The online HTTP API documentation of the sandbox implements the OAuth2.0 “authorization code” flow.
Simply click the green Authorize button, check the checkbox openid and click the Authorize button. Your browser will ask you if the Ditto sandbox may access your Google identity which you should acknowledge.
Afterwards you should be authenticated with your Google user (and therefore your Google ID).

You can try out the API now. For example, expand the PUT /things/{thingId} item in order to create a new Thing, a digital twin so to say.
Scroll down to the parameters and enter the required ones (in this case the thingId), for example:


The ID must contain a namespace (in Java package notation) followed by a : and an arbitrary string afterwards.

The body must be a JSON object, at least an empty one {}.
Or it can be filled with arbitrary attributes and/or features, e.g.:

  "attributes": {
    "someAttr": 32,
    "manufacturer": "ACME corp"
  "features": {
      "heating-no1": {
          "properties": {
              "connected": true,
              "complexProperty": {
                  "street": "my street",
                  "house no": 42
      "switchable": {
          "properties": {
              "on": true,
              "lastToggled": "2017-11-15T18:21Z"

Programmatically access the HTTP API

If you want to programmatically (e.g. in a script running on a RaspberryPi) access the sandbox, we currently have to disappoint you. As there is no possibility to obtain a Google JWT with plain username/password and we currently have no other authentication provider configured in the sandbox, we have no possibility to authenticate a script.