Perform HTTP request (with verbs GET, POST, PUT, PATCH) to HTTP endpoints via targets.

Specific connection configuration

The common configuration for connections in Connections > Targets applies here as well. Following are some specifics for HTTP connections:

Source format

Target format

A HTTP connection requires the protocol configuration target object to have an address property. This property has the following format: <http_verb>:<http_path>

The supported HTTP <http_verb> values are:

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT

The specified <http_path> contains the path - including optionally potential query parameters - to be appended to the configured uri of the connection.

The body of the HTTP request is either the outgoing Ditto Protocol message (e.g. an event) or - if a payload mapping was specified in the connection - a transformed body.

The target address may contain placeholders; see placeholders section for more information.

The target may define a header mapping specifying which additional HTTP headers to send along with the performed HTTP requests.

Further, "topics" is a list of strings, each list entry representing a subscription of Ditto protocol topics, see target topics and filtering for more information on that.

Outbound messages are published to the configured target address if one of the subjects in "authorizationContext" has READ permission on the thing, which is associated with a message.

  "address": "<http_verb>:<http_path>",
  "topics": [
  "authorizationContext": ["ditto:outbound-auth-subject"],
  "headerMapping": {
    "content-type": "application/json"

Target header mapping

HTTP 1.1 connections supports specific header mapping.

The following header have a special meaning in that the values are applied directly to the published message:

  • http.query: sets the value of this header as query parameter
  • http.path: sets the value of this header as the path of the HTTP request

Target acknowledgement handling

For HTTP targets, whenever a message is published to the HTTP endpoint, you have two different options in order to acknowledge receiving the message:

Explicitly responding with Ditto Protocol acknowledgement message

Whenever an HTTP endpoint, which received a message requesting acknowledgements, responds with a Ditto Protocol Acknowledgement and sets the Content-Type header of the HTTP response to application/vnd.eclipse.ditto+json, this received message is treated as custom acknowledgement.

This however is only the case if no automatically issued acknowledgement label was configured for that target (see section below). If such an issued acknowledgement label was configured, this one always gets issued instead of a custom sent back Ditto Protocol Acknowledgement.

Implicitly create acknowledgement from HTTP response

When for the target an automatically issued acknowledgement label was configured and the HTTP response was not a Ditto Protocol message (with Content-Type header application/vnd.eclipse.ditto+json), an acknowledgement is produced automatically in the following way:

The HTTP response and following HTTP response information is mapped to the automatically created acknowledgement:

  • Acknowledgement.headers: the HTTP response headers are added.
  • Acknowledgement.status: the HTTP response status code is used.
  • Acknowledgement.value: the HTTP response body is used - if the response body was of content-type: application/json, the JSON is inlined into the acknowledgement, otherwise the payload is added as JSON string.

Responding to messages

For live messages that are published via an HTTP target you have two different options to respond to that message:

Explicitly responding with Ditto Protocol message response

Whenever an HTTP endpoint, which received a live message, responds with a Ditto Protocol Message Response and sets the Content-Type header of the HTTP response to application/vnd.eclipse.ditto+json, this received message is treated as custom live message response.

In this case, the correlation-id, thing-id and potentially feature-id of the response have to match the message properties to respond to.

Implicitly responding via HTTP response

When for the target an automatically issued acknowledgement label with the label live-response was configured and the HTTP response was not a Ditto Protocol message (with Content-Type header application/vnd.eclipse.ditto+json), a message response is produced automatically in the following way:

The HTTP response and following HTTP response information is mapped to the automatically created message response:

  • Message.headers: the HTTP response headers are added.
  • Message.status: the HTTP response status code is used.
  • Message.value: the HTTP response body is used - if the response body was of content-type: application/json, the JSON is inlined into the acknowledgement, otherwise the payload is added as JSON string.

Specific configuration properties

The specific configuration properties contain the following optional keys:

  • parallelism (optional): Configures how many parallel requests per connection to perform, each takes one outgoing TCP connection. Default (if not provided): 1

Establishing connecting to an HTTP endpoint

Ditto’s Connectivity service is responsible for creating new and managing existing connections.

This can be done dynamically at runtime without the need to restart any microservice using a Ditto DevOps command.

Example connection configuration to create a new HTTP connection in order to make request to an HTTP endpoint:

  "connection": {
    "id": "http-example-connection-123",
    "connectionType": "http-push",
    "connectionStatus": "open",
    "failoverEnabled": true,
    "uri": "http://user:password@localhost:80",
    "specificConfig": {
      "parallelism": "2"
    "sources": [],
    "targets": [
        "address": "PUT:/api/2/some-entity/{{ thing:id }}",
        "topics": [
        "authorizationContext": ["ditto:outbound-auth-subject", "..."],
        "headerMapping": {
          "content-type": "{{ header:content-type }}",
          "api-key": "this-is-a-secret-api-key-to-send-along"

Client-certificate authentication

Ditto supports certificate-based authentication for HTTP connections. Consult Certificates for Transport Layer Security for how to set it up.

Here is an example HTTP connection that checks the server certificate and authenticates by a client certificate.

  "connection": {
    "id": "http-example-connection-123",
    "connectionType": "http-push",
    "connectionStatus": "open",
    "failoverEnabled": true,
    "uri": "https://localhost:80",
    "validateCertificates": true,
    "ca": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n<localhost certificate>\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
    "credentials": {
      "type": "client-cert",
      "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n<signed client certificate>\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
      "key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n<client private key>\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"
    "specificConfig": {
      "parallelism": "2"
    "sources": [],
    "targets": [
        "address": "PUT:/api/2/some-entity/{{ thing:id }}",
        "topics": [
        "authorizationContext": ["ditto:outbound-auth-subject", "..."],
        "headerMapping": {
          "content-type": "{{ header:content-type }}",
          "api-key": "this-is-a-secret-api-key-to-send-along"

HMAC request signing

Ditto supports HMAC request signing for HTTP push connections. Find detailed information on this in Connectivity API > HMAC request signing.