This page contains a collection of presentations, videos and workshops about Eclipse Ditto, sorted from most recent ones downwards.

22.06.2021 Eclipse IoT WorkingGroup status update

Topic: Eclipse Ditto™ 2.0: Changes and roadmap

The slides can be found here: 2021_06_ditto-20-overview.

19.10.2020 EclipseCon Europe 2020 Community Day

Topic: Project status update of Eclipse Ditto

The slides can be found here: 2020_10_19-eclipse-iot-wg-community-day.

28.07.2020 Eclipse IoT WorkingGroup status update

Topic: Eclipse Ditto: Eclipse IoT WG status update

The slides can be found here: 2020_07_28-iot-wg-status-update.

16.04.2020 The Things Network Virtual Conference 2020 #StayHome

Topic: Eclipse Ditto: Digital Twins as part of an open IoT platform

The slides can be found here: 2020_04_16-ttn-virtual-conference.

The blogpost for the hands-on part, connecting Ditto to The Things Network via MQTT can be found here.

21.10.2019 EclipseCon Europe 2019 in Ludwigsburg

Topic: Project status update of Eclipse Ditto

The slides can be found here: 2019_10_21-eclipse-iot-wg-f2f-ludwigsburg.

22.10.2018 EclipseCon Europe 2018 in Ludwigsburg

Topic: Project status update of Eclipse Ditto

The slides can be found here: 2018_10_22-eclipse-iot-wg-f2f-ludwigsburg.

23.05.2018 IoT Hessen Meetup during webweek rhein-main /18

Topic: “Digital twins with Eclipse Ditto”

Organized via Meetup by Diana Kupfer from codecentric.

The slides can be found here: 2018_05_23-meetup-iot-hessen.

The code of the showed live demo can be found in our ditto-examples.

07.02.2018 Virtual IoT Meetup

Topic: “Digital twins go open source: Eclipse Ditto introduction” u On 07.02.2018 we gave an introduction into Eclipse Ditto via Meetup.

The slides can be found here: 2018_02_07-virtualiot-meetup.