Building ELK

ELK is built using Apache Maven in conjunction with Tycho to tell Maven how to build Eclipse projects. There are two parts that can be built: the Eclipse Layout Kernel itself, and the metadata compiler used by the main ELK build. The remainder of this page assumes that you have opened a shell in the build/ directory inside your clone of the ELK repository.

Building ELK

Execute Maven using the following command line (note that the command line is split in order to improve readability):

    --define elk.metadata.documentation.outputPath=/ELK_FOLDER/docs

A few notes:

  • The maven.repo.local property is not required, but can be helpful to keep builds self-contained. Once built, the -o option is helpful to keep Maven from accessing online repositories.

Running Unit Tests

A Quick Warning

Due to some tycho/surefire issue the unit tests cannot be executed with Java 9 and 10.

The unit tests require our models repository to be checked out as well. If it is, the following command line will run the tests (note that the command line is split in order to improve readability):

    --define elk.metadata.documentation.outputPath=/ELK_FOLDER/docs
    --define tests.paths.elk-repo=/ELK_FOLDER
    --define tests.paths.models-repo=/ELK_MODELS_FOLDER

The TEST_RESULTS_FOLDER is a folder where tests can save data about tests that have failed for later inspection.

Building the Metadata Compiler

Execute Maven using the following command line to build the metadata compiler locally (note that the command line is split in order to improve readability):

    -P elk-meta

Building the Website and Documentation

The documentation website is our source of documentation. The main build produces reference documentation which is part of the website from our metadata files. The documentation website itself is then built with Hugo, a static website generator. The website is setup in a way to be browsable both online and offline.

Open in Gitpod

To actually build the documentation website, go to the repository’s docs/ folder and simply execute the following command:


To edit the website, start a Hugo server instance in the repository’s docs/ folder:

hugo server

You can then direct your browser to http://localhost:1313/elk/. As you edit the website’s files and save them, the browser’s content is dynamically updated.