The JSON graph format has five basic elements: nodes, ports, labels, edges, and edge sections. Details about each element can be found below, with some sections describing features common to multiple elements. Note that in the JSON code, mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.
All elements, except labels, must have an id that uniquely identifies them. Labels are usually not referred to from other parts of the graph, which is why the id is optional. The id can be a string or an integer. All elements furthermore can have layout options. Layout options are basically a list of key-value pairs that are used to assign layout option values to the element.
id*: "ID",
layoutOptions: { ..object with key value pairs.. }
Nodes, ports, and labels have a two-dimensional location and size. Each of these elements can also have an arbitrary number of labels to describe them properly. Yes, even labels can have labels, although it depends on the layout algorithm whether or not it supports labeled labels.
x: ...,
y: ...,
width: ...,
height: ...,
labels: [ ..array of label objects.. ]
Nodes can have an arbitrary number of ports. Edges can connect to a node either directly or through one of its ports. A node can also contain an arbitrary number of child nodes. A graph is actually nothing more than a simple node whose children are the top-level nodes of the graph. Finally, a node can contain edges. While it is common to define those edges under a given node that connect that node’s children, in fact any edge may be defined under any node, regardless of its end points. This allows for flexibility when defining hierarchy-crossing edges, as well as for alternative schemes, such as defining all edges at the root level. See Coordinate System for the rules for interpreting edge coordinates.
ports: [ ..array of port objects.. ],
children: [ ..array of child node objects.. ],
edges: [ ..array of edge objects.. ]
Ports do not have any more interesting properties. Ports are boring.
Labels can additionally contain text. Note that layout algorithms generally don’t perform any size estimation of the text. Therefore you should specify a reasonable width and height.
text: "A magnificent text"
There are two types of edges: primitive edges and extended edges. Primitive edges are solely supported for legacy models to work. Exported graphs will always be made up of extended edges. Both kind of edges support labels.
Primitive edges have a source and target node and can optionally connect to a source port and target port.
source*: node identifier,
sourcePort: port identifier,
target*: node identifier,
targetPort: port identifier,
sourcePoint: {x, y},
targetPoint: {x, y},
bendPoints: [ .. {x, y} pairs .. ],
labels: [ ..array of label objects.. ]
Extended edges have two mandatory arrays consisting of the identifiers of nodes and ports. One array defines the edge’s source elements, the other defines its target elements. Edges may well connect more than one source to more than one target, making them hyperedges. Note that many layout algorithms don’t support hyperedges. If an edge has a layout, it can specify an arbitrary number of edge sections that define said layout. A simple edge with one source and one target only needs a single section.
sources*: [ ..array of node and / or port identifiers.. ],
targets*: [ ..array of node and / or port identifiers.. ],
sections: [ ..array of edge sections.. ],
labels: [ ..array of label objects.. ]
Edge sections are only used in conjunction with extended edges and capture the routing of an edge through a drawing. Each section connects two end points. An end point can be one of the end points of the section’s edge (a node or a port), or one or more other edge sections. The points where edge sections meet are junction points where one part of the edge branches off. An edge section can only have either an incoming shape or incoming edge sections (the same is true of course for outgoing shapes and outgoing edge sections). In the simplest case, an edge only has a single edge section which runs from the edge’s single source to its single target. In this case, it is enough to define the section’s start and end point and possibly bendpoints. Incoming and outgoing shapes are then filled in automatically by the importer.
startPoint*: {x, y},
endPoint*: {x, y},
bendPoints: [ ..array of {x, y} pairs.. ],
incomingShape: node and / or port identifier,
outgoingShape: node and / or port identifier,
incomingSections: [ ..array of edge section identifiers.. ],
outgoingSections: [ ..array of edge section identifiers.. ]
Junction points are the split and merge points of hyperedges. Layout algorithms supporting hyperedges may compute these points such that a rendering framework can use them to position visual cues, for instance, small circles. In case an algorithm computes junction points, an edge’s representation might look like the following after layout.
id: "edge0",
junctionPoints: [ ..array of {x, y} pairs.. ]
id: "root",
properties: { "elk.direction": "RIGHT" },
children: [
{ id: "n1", width: 10, height: 10 },
{ id: "n2", width: 10, height: 10 }
edges: [{
id: "e1", sources: [ "n1" ], targets: [ "n2" ]
Importing and exporting can be done using the ElkGraphJson
utility class.
It provides a set of methods that are outlined next.
Simple import using a json string as input:
ElkNode root = ElkGraphJson.forGraph(jsonString)
Sometimes one desires to transfer the computed layout back to
the initial json graph.
This is possible if the graph is already available
as JsonObject
. Pass a
instance to the builder which is populated with
the JsonImporter
instance that has been used to
import the json graph. Internally, the importer maintains
several maps from json elements to ELK graph elements.
JsonObject jsonGraph = ...;
Maybe<JsonImporter> importerMaybe = new Maybe<>();
ElkNode root = ElkGraphJson.forGraph(jsonGraph)
// [ perform layout ]
ElkNode root = ...;
String json = ElkGraphJson.forGraph(root)